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Too bad its female D=....i never use female characters...but man that looks awesome especially the gun



..... what? sacrilege!!! .. all the greatest games we know and love have a long history of guys playing girl characters... ... I read it for the articles however, of course... *cough*


lol ahahahaha.. true this, but i tend to love the look of bulky powerful armor D= and you dont get that on females...and sif you just read it for the articles *wink*

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ah... i feel like in games where u can choose ur race and stuff; the character reflects the actual player so i play as a guy cuz i dont feel like a women trapped in a mans body


That is probably the best explanation i have ever heard for what my character is...

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I can't believe the drama I missed out here. I can understand someone wanting to set facts straight, but only if there is a need for it. Like if I said I was a Navy Seal and I was lying, then someone should set the facts straight so no one is mislead. Skree never said that he was the best model making person around. I think he is good.


Regardless of the issue if he may have just ported it over, he does have a wealth of knowledge about modeling. I have been picking his brain for over a month and he has always had the correct answer I need. There might have been other answers, but everything he has told me has worked. As far as quality and 100% original work, so long as someone is doing something that could improve my gameplay experience has my blessing. I don't have the facts, but I think Skree's goals are to create something awesome for the Fallout 3 world. Not trying to prove that he is master modeling magician. With that said, I think it is an efficient move if he used shortcuts. If he feels that cutting a few corners or taking a shortcut will get his mod out faster for all of us to enjoy, I think that is practical.


Skree is trying to accomplish something for all of us to enjoy. Ragging him for any reason is only accomplishing something for yourself.

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Its all good. Sometimes people get uppity i guess and feel like raining on other peoples parades. I clearly stated that the assets were originally from Bungie, then modified, but I guess some people feel like pointing out the obvious to try to smear peoples reputations and make them out to be some kind of villain. Water under the bridge. My current modelling endeavor is entirely 100% original from my own works. So *sticks out tongue* they 'aint got nothin' on me', as the hip-hop artists would say.


And on the topic of female PC characters...


... as if i would play a girl character... yea right... *cough*...




... what...


.. dont look at me like that.


I said I read it for the articles, i swear.

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Its all good. Sometimes people get uppity i guess and feel like raining on other peoples parades. I clearly stated that the assets were originally from Bungie, then modified, but I guess some people feel like pointing out the obvious to try to smear peoples reputations and make them out to be some kind of villain. Water under the bridge. My current modelling endeavor is entirely 100% original from my own works. So *sticks out tongue* they 'aint got nothin' on me', as the hip-hop artists would say.


And on the topic of female PC characters...


... as if i would play a girl character... yea right... *cough*...




... what...


.. dont look at me like that.


I said I read it for the articles, i swear.


who said that the update of random work u did wasnt 100% yours?

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