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Halo + Fallout =


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ah... i feel like in games where u can choose ur race and stuff; the character reflects the actual player so i play as a guy cuz i dont feel like a women trapped in a mans body


I play like girl characters all the time and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I would also LOVE to have boobs available at all times as well and be allowed to play with them any time I'd like without the owner protesting.


But I guess that's just me. I prefer boobs and women asses while you prefer looking at male butts all day, we all have our own little quirks. :happy:


i understand where u are coming from its just that i dont like pretending i'm a girl... plus its a video game and i dont really find animated asses and tits that SUPER AWESOME to look at.. i would rather look at a real chicks ass instead of looking at my characters ass in a video game


Not angry here, but /rant on:

I hear that time and time again from some people, (the whole 'im not into looking at video game characters in that way, i like real women.. etc etc..' but you know what. Its just not true, the simple emulation of the human figure in any form, whether it be polygonal geometry or a distorted 2d image brings to mind thoughts and feelings. Whether you deny it or not.

If you play a game inwhich you imagine the ficticious weapons, characters, locations, worlds, items, objects, monsters etc are believable (or unbelievable) enough in that they can evoke any kind of reaction from you, then sorry, but seeing a female figure evokes a reaction deep down whether you like it or not.

I really get amused when people say things like 'video game polygons shaped like a female have no effect on me' because its a lie through their teeth. Fundamentally to receive a mental/emotional response from anything in a videogame is not only on par, but the exact same as any other kind of response from the content. Whether it be adrenaline, anger, sadness, excitement, inspiration, etc etc.


If you play the game, you feel it. Refusing to believe that is only denial :)


Dont feel bad though, back in caveman times the wall-scribbles that looked like females evoked a reaction from them... heck even recently in our childhoods our stick figure scribbles in notebooks did the same. They might not have made you physically excited about the stick figures, but they bring to mind thoughts and messages of a... physical nature... and thats what matters. Again, look at ancient times, they constructed ornate statues representing male and female forms. The female forms were often voluptuous and not clothed... I guarantee people didnt orgasm over the statues, however the statues reminded them of the beautiful forms that actually existed in nature, and it is these ideas that give them pleasure.

Remember in the 80s, ASCII art? People would spend hours creating pornographic or adult imagery with various symbols. I dont think anyone ever looked at those pictures and immediately received pleasure, however the images they invoke in peoples minds are enough to get a pleasant mental/emotional response.


Its all about what these images do in your head, and what those images in your head do to you.


Its okay, you can admit a polygonal character brings to mind thoughts of various kinds... we all play games here, even you. If you can pretend to be a post-apocalyptic wastelander, hunting mutants in a crazy world with monsters (and these things elicit feelings of joy or excitement), how far of a stretch is it to look at a videogame butt and be reminded of the IDEA of real butts. That idea can become clearer or obscured depending on the quality of the character you look at, but the core idea here is the mental imagery that these things inspire within us, and its that mental imagery that causes a physical response.


Its not much different than a novel or story that contains sexual content. Stories contains only WORDS. so basically you have butts and bosoms made of WORDS (not polygons) that actually cause a physical response in people who read it. I guarantee you those people dont feel ashamed or embarassed at that fact. Millions of people read adult stories every day simply because the content within brings to mind erotic thoughts and imagery in their head.

The truth is, those words cause a mental/emotional/physical response, due to the thoughts they inspire.

Exactly the same with video game art. Only difference is in video game art, we show you a bit more than just words in a book.


Everyone knows we arent fantasizing about polygons. Those arent alive. We are imagining what they REPRESENT!


We are all the same we all play video games =P



Put it this way. Why are games getting better and better graphics nowadays?


Because the content within becomes more believable.

Why does it matter if content within a FAKE video game that isnt even REAL becomes more believable?

So that the gamers can enjoy the content and further their Suspension of Disbelief.


Would a oldschool crappy 8-bit version of fallout, compete with Fallout3 if the only differences were the graphics?

Unlikely. People demand better and better graphics so they can enjoy their games on a whole new level of realism.


(all i really wanna quote is the fist paragraph so dont take anything i said into mind about the entire SA) dont get me wrong ur use of wikipedia is outstanding but u cant compare what u read or what ur feelings are on somthing to another persons mind. u may think what u said is true but ther is no way it applies to everyone including me. making huge essays about a topic may make it look official but realy full of useless poo, no offense. plus u just cant look intimidating or beastly as a girl!

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"u just cant look intimidating or beastly as a girl!"


I will respond to your comment by using your own words, but I'm going to fix the horrible grammar and spelling because looking at it that way gives me a headache.





"You can't compare what you read or what you're feelings are on something to another person's mind. You may think what you said is true, but there is no way it applies to everyone including me."



By the way, Notice how I didn't just quote your entire rant just the parts that were relevant to my reply.

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If I used wikipedia, my rant might have been even more logical and convincing than it did, and be structured better. Sadly i was in a rush and that was all out of my head =P


Unfortunately, naysayers can deny it, but everyone is affected by the visuals of male and females on screen. Everyone. It actually goes back to a complex philosophical concept called 'the world of ideas'. In the world of ideas, everything is the 'perfect version'. For example, you may look at a chocolate chip cookie, and in your mind you are aware that it is a chocolate chip cookie, because you have seen many before. When you see ANOTHER chocolate chip cookie, your mind again brings up that 'mental reference' of the chocolate chip cookie you saw before, and you instantly realise, yes, thats another one of those. This 'mental reference' of the chocolate chip cookie could be referred to as your 'idea cookie'. It is the 'perfect version' of a chocolate chip cookie, from which all other chocolate chip cookies are compared. If i were to ask you how many chips are on your 'idea chocolate chip cookie' you wouldnt be able to really count them. The point is however, that whenever you see a real cookie that is similar, you now instantly think back to this 'perfect version' of the object in your head. These 'idea objects' are used by your brain subconsciously whenever you look at something, for visual association and identification.


Now, looking back to the people mentioned earlier that partook in ASCII-art, by generating patterns and recognizeable images using text-symbols (ie. !@#$%^&*()_+}{[]\~!| as well as all other symbols 0-255 in the typical english alphanumeric computer language (see: http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catal...csnumber=36043)

These guys didn't actually become aroused by looking at the symbols themselves. They were REMINDED of 'idea females' in their heads by these crude representations.

Since actual photographic pictures were massive in size (100kb back then would take hours to download), simple text blocks were quick and could be sent in seconds. Since people wanted their pr0n just like we do today, they compensated by creating it with the 256 symbols created on a computer keyboard.

They were unable to look at and share real photographs of what they considered 'beautiful/arousing' so instead they created these mock-ups.


Now, I guarantee you when photographs came around because internet technology improved to the point where we could actually share these images, almost everyone immediately started looking at these instead, since they were 'closer to their mental references (idea females)' and thus broke into a new realm of visually influencing media. You could now look at actual photographs of living breathing people, instead of just artists interpretations.


When people look at photographs of beauty or erotic content, they usually have never seen or met these people before in their daily lives, but that doesn't matter to them.

But heres the confusing part.

Shouldn't it?

The whole concept of human reproduction dictates that we are designed to become aroused ('prepared to reproduce') when we see such things, because these kinds of images usually precede the actual act of sex/reproduction, they 'get our bodies into the right gear' for such an act. These images send signals to your brain that release chemicals and send impulses to certain parts of our bodies to prepare for 'the act'. This is all done through visual imagery. Your mind is preprogrammed by nature to recognize this kind of information and say to itself 'aha! its reproduction time'.

The chemicals released from the brain when the body enters a 'reproductive mode' are usually interpreted as pleasureable. This is the key 'hook' of the design. Since we receive pleasure from being in a state ready to reproduce, we will therefore attempt to reproduce more often. This is natures way of ensuring species continue to grow and propagate.

Technically we are all addicted to the chemicals made by our own brain, and we constantly force ourselves to generate more of these chemicals whenever we look at images that remind us of things which are usually references of reproduction. Whether they be, images of the opposite sex, the actual act of sex, or even small subtleties that you have previously image-map-associated to sex, such as fetishes like leather or lingerie.


This chemical release that reminds 'you need to reproduce now, here are some chemicals to get you in the mood' happens after your brain interprets the information you are giving to it, whether that information is written text (erotic stories) or visual images.


The whole concept of becoming aroused does not necessarily mean we all become ... err.. 'physically excited', it may only be signified by a chemical release in the brain which causes pleasure.


THIS is the key point of why people enjoy looking at artwork or reading about erotic ideas. The artwork itself does not make them aroused. We do not see blobs of paint or pixels and think... 'damn those paints are made of chemicals and dyes... omg dyes and chemicals are so hawt'... or in the sense of stories.... 'oh those symbols and letters are so erotic! Look at that letter M! the shape is just so sexy!' They are seeing BEYOND the medium through which these ideas and images are transferred, and interpreting the IDEA conveyed, and associating it in their mind with the 'idea versions' of these things.


and sometimes, THAT is all it takes for your brain to say, 'ok its reproduction time!' and release the good chems that we all enjoy, yet few know about.

Whether you get your neuro-chemical release from looking at actual naked people IRL standing in front of you, or photographs (made of Pixels!) of actual people who really existed, or artwork of naked people who never existed, stories of people who may or may not have existed, or Polygonal representations of people who never existed... your brain doesnt care.

It interprets the data and does its job, associating it with the correct 'Idea object' (in this case, butts and bosoms) then releases the appropriate chemical to the pleasure-centers, because it has been convinced that its time for sex, and sex will soon follow. (Not talking about your consciousness, but the subconscious structural part of your brain that is designed to do this.)


Like i said, the above may have been easier to read if i used wikipedia =P

Take a philosophy course in school when you can, its really intense awesome stuff :)

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Well since you all like talking about Wikipedia, why not go look up "Off topic". Or even better, here's a link Off topic.


In the meantime, if Halo would fit in FO's world, it would because of tachyon particles traveling through multiple dimensions



at the same time



perpendicular to an infinite number of other tachyon particles.



F#$!ing tachyons.

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Well since you all like talking about Wikipedia, why not go look up "Off topic". Or even better, here's a link Off topic.


In the meantime, if Halo would fit in FO's world, it would because of tachyon particles traveling through multiple dimensions



at the same time



perpendicular to an infinite number of other tachyon particles.



F#$!ing tachyons.



Heres somethign you can do while you wait for Halo content! Test out these 3 weapons beta releases =-P



Test copy of 3 partially finished BF2142 weapons for Fallout 3:


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"u just cant look intimidating or beastly as a girl!"


I will respond to your comment by using your own words, but I'm going to fix the horrible grammar and spelling because looking at it that way gives me a headache.





"You can't compare what you read or what you're feelings are on something to another person's mind. You may think what you said is true, but there is no way it applies to everyone including me."



By the way, Notice how I didn't just quote your entire rant just the parts that were relevant to my reply.


Umm, if you're going to correct grammar make sure your grammar is correct.

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"Umm, if you're going to correct grammar make sure your grammar is correct."



I don’t claim to be an English grammar teacher. In fact, English isn’t even my 1st language, but I’m sure what I wrote was an improvement when compared to the crap that guy was spewing.


Umm, if you’re going to correct me on my grammar make sure you really pay close attention to what you’re reading. The “you’re” that you’re referring to is quoted from what he wrote. I may have missed that mistake when I replied to his post, but if that would’ve been his only mistake, I would not have bothered to mention his grammar. We all make mistakes after all. I’m sure even you occasionally make one.


Anyway, the weapons look awesome. I’m having a blast messing around with these babies.

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