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Halo + Fallout =


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I see. well i was under the impression you would be doing a massive mod that would pretty much ruin FO3 with some shitty halo plot. Didn't mean to seem like i was putting down your modding skills...I just would hate to see a hardcore halo fan take away everything i love about fallout 3=[ lol
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Because you'd be forced to DL the TCM right?

lol no you're lookin at it the wrong way. ok think of fallout as a church. now idk about you but the priests wont let me unleash hell in a church and commit mass murder while hailing satan. similar concept. i'm that priest trying to stop homocidal satan worshipers from invading the church lmao.


btw i rlly dont care about the mod. i think he's doing a great job. just you guys are fun to argue with. =]

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Great work Skree! Was looking for some halo stuff for fallout and the only thing I found was a do-it-yourself kit kinda thing with halo models, but after several wasted hours looking at tutorials and such I couln't figure out how to get anything in game. I'll definately be watching this and your battlefield mod (I loved that game too). Keep it up! :biggrin:


al... If you just wanna argue you should prolly go to the debates section....

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junins got the MkIV? spartan suit working in game. I think he got his hands on the H3 model somehow. I believe he's also responsible for the odst screenshots trickling out. Junin is best known for getting the Crysis suit in F3. And making a sexy female variant no less, among his other achievements.


I always thought someone would beat me to it, but hes great so more power to him. The biggest hurdle that stopped me from progressing in this mod was my decision to try to get the H3 models, but that was proving difficult. H2 assets are easy to get, but with no H3 stuff to work with save the demo, which is supposedly all hushed up and hard to get, it was proving difficult.


By the time i ruined a disc trying to hotswap a 360 disc in my computer dvdram i decided id concentrate on bf2142 for now, since i was able to get quick results ^_^ I havent given up on it, and will still make my own versions of the H3 stuff, even if someone else does it. But not all at once, i only have one of me, and no clones =/


i did manage to get the packed (and swizzled/encrypted) versions of the assets and textures from H3 discs though via some internet backdoors.... but i didnt look hard enough to see if there was a version of the HaloMod tools that could fully extract them yet. Even if it could preview em that would be enough for a 3drip.... =/


i also toyed with some Ut2003 stuff and successfully ripped it out, was thinking of putting that in game, but then saw someone did the UT2004 stuff which i was considering to do, but they beat me to that idea lol.


Im guessing 5 years from now every major shooter game franchise will be ported or recreated in fallout3 somehow lol

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junins got the MkIV? spartan suit working in game. I think he got his hands on the H3 model somehow. I believe he's also responsible for the odst screenshots trickling out. Junin is best known for getting the Crysis suit in F3. And making a sexy female variant no less, among his other achievements.


I always thought someone would beat me to it, but hes great so more power to him. The biggest hurdle that stopped me from progressing in this mod was my decision to try to get the H3 models, but that was proving difficult. H2 assets are easy to get, but with no H3 stuff to work with save the demo, which is supposedly all hushed up and hard to get, it was proving difficult.


By the time i ruined a disc trying to hotswap a 360 disc in my computer dvdram i decided id concentrate on bf2142 for now, since i was able to get quick results ^_^ I havent given up on it, and will still make my own versions of the H3 stuff, even if someone else does it. But not all at once, i only have one of me, and no clones =/


i did manage to get the packed (and swizzled/encrypted) versions of the assets and textures from H3 discs though via some internet backdoors.... but i didnt look hard enough to see if there was a version of the HaloMod tools that could fully extract them yet. Even if it could preview em that would be enough for a 3drip.... =/


i also toyed with some Ut2003 stuff and successfully ripped it out, was thinking of putting that in game, but then saw someone did the UT2004 stuff which i was considering to do, but they beat me to that idea lol.


Im guessing 5 years from now every major shooter game franchise will be ported or recreated in fallout3 somehow lol


well about the unreal stuff you could always do unreal tournament 3 stuff.

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