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Potion Carry Capacity Mod


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Some of us Skyrim players like to add more immersion to our playing experiences. Maybe by a little, maybe by a lot. I have an idea for a mod that I'm sure some will like. My idea is a mod that limits how many potions and poisons - both those found in the game world and player created ones - can be carried. Make the mod have an in game menu where players can then choose what they want for a limit. Let it have a high cap, such as 100 or 120 or something like that. Then allow players to modify the limit in increments of one from anywhere between the cap down to a single potion. If someone wants to choose 100, they can. If someone wants 40 or 7 or 20, they can choose what they like.


It can be recommended for it to be used with a backpack mod (adding immersion by allowing the player to imagine the character has a means to carry several/many potions with them) and the Bandolier mod, which has pouches which show vials being held. (See image: http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/7032/examplenexus.jpg)



What do you guys think? I think some people might like this idea. This mod would add some more challenge to the game, as well, as players would have to manage what they can bring with them, limiting how many beneficial potions/harmful poisons they can carry, and it requires management because they'd have to allow some headroom for potions and poisons they find in the world/get as loot/buy, etc.

Edited by Dubnoman
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