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A New Mod Idea


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Throwable Daggers


So here's the little bit of backstory which led me to this idea...


Just before I was thinking about downloading Warzones: Civil Unrest, but I like to play immersively and as most to my characteristics and physical traits as possible, since I'm female this means I dependant highly on sneak and ranged combat to get the job done. Assassin/thief style.


This led me to really wonder how I could play through Warzones since I can't just run in and charge people head on with brute force.. Then I thought of some kind of mod that allows me to use daggers or something like that to throw at the target before attacking with the final blow.


I searched around the Nexus and found a couple of throwing-knife mods but all hadn't been updated in a long while and were ultimately in very early stages of existence.


But then I thought about going about it a different way, and coming back to the daggers I was talking about before...


tl;dr - Would it be possible to make a mod that you could use the Mod Config Menu in SkyUI to assign a "throw" button to daggers? Then the mod would include an animation of your character throwing the weapon?


This would mean I could use my daggers in CQC but then I could also push a key to use them as a throwing object to hurl at my foes..


Lastly, I only got into Skyrim modding (and PC gaming in general) a couple of months ago so obviously I don't know how possible this would or wouldn't be. I'm thinking the character animations and scripting of a held weapon to be a ranged weapon as well would be tough however...



Edited by Asaritears
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Those poor mods are pretty outdated, but they were definitely cool. I suppose you could make a spell that only works if you've got the dagger equipped as a condition, and uses the model as the projectile. I remember seeing a mod that had a staff that shot exploding chickens. Or, make a "quiver" that looks like the sheathed dagger with the "arrow" being the dagger itself. Then you'd just need some animations for the throwing and the projectile. That would be the hard part I think.
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The default power attack animation can be used to throw, the throwing knife mod used it I believe and it just looks like an overhand throw.


As for the hotkey, should be able to be done. I remember new Vegas had a grenade hotkey mod. I'd look into a mod that adds hotkeys.

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