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Bottle of Radiation


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There are a few perks that offer bonuses while being radiated. Like you run faster, or you regain lost health the further radiated you become.


What if you took the empty bottled water mod, and use it, or something like it, to fill a bottle with radiation. Collect some from those random pools scattered around the wastes, and constantly carry around a bottle of radiation so you can always receive the benefits of your perks,

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Eh, I'm too lazy to make something that would be compatible with Bottle That Water, but it shouldn't be too hard to make a recipe that's the opposite of the vanilla "dirty -> purified water" recipe that returns a "Super-Irradiated Water." Drinking it wouldn't return an empty water bottle though, unless I bothered to rig it so that the mod requires Bottle That Water.


I'll see what I can do, stay tuned.


Edit: Super Irradiated Water uploaded. Requires Bottle That Water so that it can return empty water bottles. Let me know in the comments what you think!

Edited by Dudeman325
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