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GECK extender topic fix doesn't work


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So, my Windows 7 PC is dying, and they don't make motherboards/CPUs that will run Windows 7 any more. I have set up a new Windows 10 machine to replace it.


I have been using GECK PowerUp for ages and that worked fine for what I was doing, but it doesn't fix the Windows 8.1/10 Condition Bug where all of the conditions for topics etc. get squished to the left.


I installed FNV, the GECK, all of my mods, etc. and I removed the GECK PowerUp from my files and installed the GECK Extender instead. The GECK extender works. I have the option to turn the spell checker on and off, for example. But the Conditions are still squished.


I have bListEditFix=1 in geckextender.ini which is supposed to fix this issue, but it isn't working.


Any ideas?

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Update - after posting, I found a file from the GECK PowerUp that wasn't deleted when it should have been.


But now it appears that the GECK extender isn't working. All of the files appear to be in the right place but when I run the GECK the option to disable the spell checker is missing and the topics are still squished.


The complete lack of instructions with the GECK extender is more than a bit frustrating.

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You need to install the GECK and run the patcher from the extender page to allow it to load Extender itself. Then install the extender dll so the path is Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ZeGaryHax.dll.

You can find this information in the modâs description.

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Re-installed my original GECK, then re-installed the Extender, ran the patcher, etc. Still doesn't work.


I give up. I'm going back to the GECK power-up. I guess I'll have to live with the squished topic conditions. At least I found the CTRL + shortcut which makes dealing with it slightly less unpleasant.


Blender 2.49b has some annoyances under Windows 10 as well. I hate Microsoft.

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