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Gardener of Men


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The Gardener of Men quest is bugged. Storn won't read the book and I can't progress in the main quest.


Yeah, I've been stuck at this part of the quest for quite a few hours now, tried everything in game from loading a save just prior, loading an old save before that specific quest was even started (since this is the longest quest in the dlc, it actually meant going back as far as 3h of gameplay), using the console to cheat through it (would break the last quest coz of some flags), to even having Steam redownload the bsa.

So I've been toying with the CK to try and figure out a way to fix this. I've figured a couple of things out, but now I've reached the point where I actually have to trial and error.


The bugged quest id is DLC2MQ05, and as far as I can tell from looking at the decompiled DLC2MQ05Script, the problem seems to be from some scenes not firing. So if somebody else wants to try and fix this on their side, you need to edit the DLC2MQ05 quest in the CK, go to the "Scenes" tab, then do some trial and error of your own to see if it fixes things.


The problem seems to be Phase 10 not firing for some reason (advances the quest to stage 600 after the tentacles appear). So the problem might be located either in Phase 9 (which is the phase during which we get his last speech line so we know it is triggered) or in Action 17 (Storn saying the actual "I am ready for..." line) or even in Action 24 (which is Frea saying "I stand beside you, father, as always") or finally in a trigger which prevents "HermaeusMoraSkaal" from spawning (I don't think this is it because I don't even get to see the tentacles spawn, but you never know)


The problem to fix this is that every single one of these Actions/Phases I mentionned have script fragments attached to them so, should the problem come from these (which I think is the case), I'd have to decompile every single one of them and try to make heads and tails of them, which kinda can be tough.



Edit: So it seems that there is no starting condition on the Phase that make the tentacles appear, so it must be one of the events that have to fire beforehand which for some reason doesn't and breaks the whole scene.


Edit2: Ok so I found the responsible script, it's DLC2_SF_DLC2MQ05SkaalScene_0201d9b8. Now to figure out exactly what the script should do so that I may fix it.


Edit3: Turns out this script just advances the "hidden" quest stages during the scene, as it's made up of multiple Fragments. Fragment_0 is the one who should fire but clearly doesn't, so I think that whatever calls on this fragment is bugged. Now to go through the CK to figure out the caller.


Edit4: Well that was easy. Ok so the root of the problem is this. Once Storn says his line about being ready, Phase 10 actually starts in the sense that the quest tries to progress to stage 600, but nothing happens. Why? Because from what I gather from the CK, for this Phase to end and the scene to progress further, a little condition has to be met. Storn is the target of this condition, which is but a check to see if he's sitting or wants to stand up.

Well I should say that it's what I assume, based on the fact the check is actually "GetSitting >= 3" and that these return values of that check didn't change since Oblivion (which is where I'm actually assuming something) state 3 means the target is sitting, and state 4 means the target is sitting and wands to stand up).


Edit5: Guess what? Getting rid of that check did it for me. So I'm just going to upload the esp I made for it, hoping that it also does the trick for you guys.

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The Gardener of Men quest is bugged. Storn won't read the book and I can't progress in the main quest.


Yeah, I've been stuck at this part of the quest for quite a few hours now, tried everything in game from loading a save just prior, loading an old save before that specific quest was even started (since this is the longest quest in the dlc, it actually meant going back as far as 3h of gameplay), using the console to cheat through it (would break the last quest coz of some flags), to even having Steam redownload the bsa.

So I've been toying with the CK to try and figure out a way to fix this. I've figured a couple of things out, but now I've reached the point where I actually have to trial and error.


The bugged quest id is DLC2MQ05, and as far as I can tell from looking at the decompiled DLC2MQ05Script, the problem seems to be from some scenes not firing. So if somebody else wants to try and fix this on their side, you need to edit the DLC2MQ05 quest in the CK, go to the "Scenes" tab, then do some trial and error of your own to see if it fixes things.


The problem seems to be Phase 10 not firing for some reason (advances the quest to stage 600 after the tentacles appear). So the problem might be located either in Phase 9 (which is the phase during which we get his last speech line so we know it is triggered) or in Action 17 (Storn saying the actual "I am ready for..." line) or even in Action 24 (which is Frea saying "I stand beside you, father, as always") or finally in a trigger which prevents "HermaeusMoraSkaal" from spawning (I don't think this is it because I don't even get to see the tentacles spawn, but you never know)


The problem to fix this is that every single one of these Actions/Phases I mentionned have script fragments attached to them so, should the problem come from these (which I think is the case), I'd have to decompile every single one of them and try to make heads and tails of them, which kinda can be tough.



Edit: So it seems that there is no starting condition on the Phase that make the tentacles appear, so it must be one of the events that have to fire beforehand which for some reason doesn't and breaks the whole scene.


Edit2: Ok so I found the responsible script, it's DLC2_SF_DLC2MQ05SkaalScene_0201d9b8. Now to figure out exactly what the script should do so that I may fix it.


Edit3: Turns out this script just advances the "hidden" quest stages during the scene, as it's made up of multiple Fragments. Fragment_0 is the one who should fire but clearly doesn't, so I think that whatever calls on this fragment is bugged. Now to go through the CK to figure out the caller.


Edit4: Well that was easy. Ok so the root of the problem is this. Once Storn says his line about being ready, Phase 10 actually starts in the sense that the quest tries to progress to stage 600, but nothing happens. Why? Because from what I gather from the CK, for this Phase to end and the scene to progress further, a little condition has to be met. Storn is the target of this condition, which is but a check to see if he's sitting or wants to stand up.

Well I should say that it's what I assume, based on the fact the check is actually "GetSitting >= 3" and that these return values of that check didn't change since Oblivion (which is where I'm actually assuming something) state 3 means the target is sitting, and state 4 means the target is sitting and wands to stand up).


Edit5: Guess what? Getting rid of that check did it for me. So I'm just going to upload the esp I made for it, hoping that it also does the trick for you guys.


this is some brilliant work you did there, kudos to not sitting on your arse and bitching till a patch came out like the rest of us =D

do let us know when you have uploaded the esp =)

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I think I'm having this same problem -- I give the book to Storn, he stands up, talks with Frea a little while he walks to a new spot in front of the great hall, he says he's ready to read the book, then just stands there, looking around. I tried blasting him with Unrelenting Force to see if he was stuck, but no luck.


Actually, I encountered a similar problem in this playthrough with Discerning the Transmundane when Septimus was supposed to read the book. Never had that particular problem before the Dragonborn DLC install, so I had guessed it was a conflict between the Dragonborn DLC and the mods I'm running, but if this fixes it, I'll be thrilled.


I, too, would love it if you post a link to the .esm once it's up. Thanks for having the initiative to look into this and fix it!

Edited by SnowHeart
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I too have this issue, as well as not being able to teleport up into Nelroth's house. I remeber having quest issues with My home is your home where Serana would walk out of Valerica's lab.


I uninstalled the mod, but still had the issue.


I also have been recieving Navmesh issues in a couple situations where an NPC would stop and not move, then if I chat with them or run into them they would continue. I feel this unresponsive navmesh bug still persists with these quests triggers not activating?

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  • 4 months later...

This fix dont work for me, without the fix, storn read the book and some tentacles appear to catch him, them he stays that way forever. With this fix the glitch is even worse, the black book find some way to enter his leg and some tentacles find its head... its crazy... but them nothing happens, i think i will have to use the console to pass this quest...

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