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  1. I am working on a Vampire mod, and I successfully made it so that when in the sun during the day, my vampire will slowly lose health magic and stamina like a slow poison. In which you can not fast travel, nor wait while taking damage. After the sun goes down, this event still occurs even when my characters health... are fully restored? Any suggestions?
  2. Im tired and have grown from a 30 year old to 90 because of these scripts and quests. Im just about fed up with nothing working the way I want. I have made a lot of progress but its just the last fine tweaks and the main Radiant Style Quest that is just irritating me. If your interested send me a message. You will get full credit for scripts quests and any other feedback your welcome to give and associate yourself with.
  3. already had the properties set, just wen I named them I didnt I had race after valkyrie, but not in the property I got it compiled without error now just got to test it thnx again
  4. are you hitting another screen and accidently minimizing a dialoguebox. I know sometimes if I have a box open ill accidently click on the cell window and my box will hide behind it, try moving the other windows to see if it fell behind? other than that not sure.
  5. I know you can use spf on yourself and save it, then import in ck. but not sure if it works for npcs ill test real quick n see, ill post back in a bit edited, no it didn't work, I just got my players face. srry
  6. ;Start the quest if (game.getplayer().getrace() == valkyrieRace) if (game.getplayer().getrace() == valkyrieRace_upper) if (game.getplayer().getlevel() >= 5) alias_note.ForceRefto(Game.GetPlayer().placeatme(Note)) (WICourier as WICourierScript).AddAliasToContainer(Alias_Note) endif endif endif here is what I got now, but the races are undefined? when I put bool in then I get the no viable input again? This is all put in at my first stage.
  7. ok Ill change the level requirement, just got to figure out right parenthasese
  8. checked out the WIC courier node, not sure what to put there, but I don't want to screw anything else there. But thanks. but when I moved the endif I got a Missing Rparen r//n... I tried looking for Rparen on papyrus ref nothing?
  9. still getting the same thing,
  10. ;Start the quest bool if (game.getplayer().getrace() == valkyrieRace=true if (game.getplayer().getrace() == valkyrieRace_upper=true if game.getplayer().getlevel() == 5 endif endif endif alias_note.ForceRefto(Game.GetPlayer().placeatme(Note)) (WICourier as WICourierScript).AddAliasToContainer(Alias_Note) Getting this for compile, trying to make the start here race specific and level requirement!!! Not understanding no viable alternatnative input, r...n? looked it up on papyrus ref, Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "QF_Valkyrie_CourierQuest_0100CA01"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\QF_Valkyrie_CourierQuest_0100CA01.psc(45,4): no viable alternative at input '\\r\\n' No output generated for QF_Valkyrie_CourierQuest_0100CA01, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on QF_Valkyrie_CourierQuest_0100CA01
  11. no worries I appreciate it. lol its almost trying to learn a new language, I can read dragon and falmer, but scripts are a new one for me lol
  12. okay thnx ill check them later thnx again
  13. Hello, I think I ended up putting this on a wrong thread before, but hopefully I can get some help. My mod is a Valkyrie Mod, a guild style mod with a new race, new land, new creature, new npcs, player homes, a continuous radiant quest to keep the player productive, and adventurous. I've got about 75% of everything done, I just want to get the quests done, because without them this mod is not going to be as productive as I would like it to be. Credit will most definently be given, and special thanks. I'm looking for someone to assist me with scripts and quests, or if anyone recommends a guy/gal who may be able to help. I've gone through with different tutorials, but some things are just not clicking and I'm getting stumped on a few things. What I've got so far: I've gotten one quest working thanks to doughamil's courier tutorial and I got it working beautifully. The only thing I want with this one quest is Level Requirement, and Specific Race Requirement. If a player is a nord the courier will not come to give them the note, its to be race specific. The next quest is the dungeon quest that follows the courier quest to help open up a passage to the npcs home, the character will follow you, and assist then reward you saying you were the chosen one...blah blah that stuff. Im using the quest Clear Shor's stone mine as a backbone, but duplicating the quest as to not screw up the original quest. Then the last would be a radiant style quest in which I've duplicated and dissected one of the Companions quests and trying to work off that. but am left still puzzled, lol. I do have some pre sample images under my images if you are interested. Please and thank you.
  14. ?? are you trying to set a level requirment before a scene? I just postrd a topic similar trying to look help with my quests too. im still new to this.
  15. additional war paints by regn. but I cant find it only youtube videos dhpwing the mod. no biggy judt wondering because he hss some nice face paints. thnx dante
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