cuzalino Posted February 6, 2013 Share Posted February 6, 2013 hello there i've trawled the forums, most other forums, the internet, etc... but my crashing problem is still haunting, what is, possibly the greatest game I have ever played.I purchased my copy of FO3GoTY off Steam... sorry if this is a classic example of a common problem, but I need advice! my problem: I had the "saved games are being deleted"/"saving the game crashes"/if I save over a previous save it deletes it" issues months ago, so I quit playing as I lost about 2 DLCs worth of playtime and, quite frankly, I was getting fed up. so- I came back to playing quite recently, about 6/7 weeks ago... I kept all the saves that worked fine prior to corruption, deleted all the local content, reinstalled everything (all the mods etc)... worked fine and dandy. now, now of all times, when i'm getting right back into the swing of things... the ugly problems return! at first it was the "saving over a save deletes the save and leaves no trace of save" problem, then I had random crashes... after that, I went back to a save that was "safe", it seemed fine... then I got to a part way before the 'initial' problem I mention in this paragraph, after about 3 or 4 saves... CRASH!i've tried everything I can find/see to help. nada. I know all about the core issues of FO3 not being designed for a (x64) system but i've went through most diagnostics: -changing the .ini files (in both Fallout directories), -using BOSS to sort out my Load Order, -uninstalling/reinstalling everything (second re-install was from backup, not download), mods all installed in correct order, -configuring ffdshow,-asking my computer really nicely to stop hampering my fun,-praying/sacrificing,-FO3Edit,-added the Error correction mod,-put my graphic settings low,-used 3GB Enabler, nothing, still same issues... i'm wondering if my saves are all corrupt from a certain point, and I am yet to find that hallowed point, perhaps? or is it worth me just deleting all the local content and downloading the game, AGAIN, instead of using the backup version I have on another drive (in case the backup is screwed perhaps)? it's really p*****g me off! i'm probably doing something totally dumd here and can't see the wood for the trees- so if anyone is kind enough to point me in the right direction; to save me from going round in circles, then I will be eternally grateful!! my current load order is:(I keep my mods on a minimum- organised by BOSS mainly) [X] Fallout3.esm[X] Anchorage.esm[X] ThePitt.esm[X] BrokenSteel.esm[X] PointLookout.esm[X] Zeta.esm[X] CRAFT.esm[X] CALIBR.esm[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp[X] CrowdedCities_v2.esp[ ] CrowdedCities_v2_lessNPCs.esp[X] Rivet City Merchants.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp[X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esp[ ] Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp[X] Kat_Companion_V1.0b.esp[X] LucyWestCompanion.esp[X] Follower - Willow.esp[X] Ghoul_Caravan.esp[X] Core Robots - The Eyebots.esp[X] Core Robots - The Handy.esp[X] Core Robots - The Protectrons.esp[X] Core Robots - The Robobrains.esp[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp[X] Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp[X] Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp[X] Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp[X] Fellout-Full.esp[ ] More Moriarty's Customers.esp[ ] RivetCityCrib.esp[ ] TheGhoulKing.esp[X] Error Fixes V1.5.esp PC specs are: Win7 (x64)Intel Xeon quad (4x 3.40Ghz)4GB RAMATI Radeon HD5450 1GB any help/feedback/flaming/whatever is welcome :) thanks :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M48A5 Posted February 6, 2013 Share Posted February 6, 2013 You are missing compatibility patches. I don't use MMM but I know you need a patch to use it with FWE: NOTE: For using MMMF3 with FOOK2, XFO, FWE and more see FOIPYou will need to go through your mods and see if you need patches to operate with each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prensa Posted February 6, 2013 Share Posted February 6, 2013 cuzalino - Hello! M48A5 is correct, you need to patch FWE & MMM for the best results. The standard would be the MMM/FWE patches from FOIP: As to the saves issue, that's quite odd I've not seen saves being deleted before. Are your saves ending up where they should: C:\Users\LFW\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves You've not activated/deactivated Games for Windows live? As depending on whether you use that or not saves will be located in a Games for windows folder within that save folder. Another idea is that something is redirecting the saves, Win7 is sometimes touchy with it's UAC & only pretends to save things to a certain location & really saves them to another secure location. Make sure Fallout 3 is being run with the proper security clearance. Try running Fallout 3 as administrator & see if you can save over old saves without them disappearing. I have on occasion heard of virus protection software blocking games from making saves (they see it as program making unauthorised changes). Often such programs can be set to allow the games freedom to make saves by being added to a trusted list. If none of that brings any joy you could try using CASM: Many people who suffer from save corruptions find that useful & it may help you with your disappearing saves. Hope this helps! Prensa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuzalino Posted February 7, 2013 Author Share Posted February 7, 2013 thanks v. much for the info guys! it's opened my eyes a bit further with regards to the stability issues here :) i've been using BOSS again to weed out the little problems, added the compatibility patches... then looked sort everything out with FO3edit. I had the program downloaded but left it as I couldnt merge for some reason; now, looking at it, I have this weird problem that basically says the Broken Steel DLC.esm is causing havoc amongst the other DLCs!? i'll just give you a bitesized snippet of what FO3edit is telling me with regards to the errors that prevent me from a successful merge: [00:15] Background Loader: [Anchorage.esm] Building reference info.[00:22] Background Loader: [ThePitt.esm] Building reference info.[00:29] Background Loader: [brokenSteel.esm] Building reference info.[00:37] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:37] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC03TeslaCannonExplosionSmall03 "Missile Explosion" [EXPL:0300D4F0][00:37] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL EITM DATA INAM [00:37] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:37] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC03TeslaCannonExplosionSmall02 "Missile Explosion" [EXPL:0300D4EF][00:37] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL EITM DATA INAM [00:37] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:37] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC03TeslaCannonExplosionSmall "Missile Explosion" [EXPL:0300B393][00:37] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL EITM DATA INAM [00:37] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:37] Background Loader: Errors were found in: testPhilLightningExplosion1 "Chain Lightning Explosion" [EXPL:03003584][00:37] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL DATA INAM [00:37] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:37] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC03TeslaCannonExplosion "Missile Explosion" [EXPL:03002700][00:37] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL EITM MNAM DATA INAM [00:37] Background Loader: [PointLookout.esm] Building reference info.[00:38] Background Loader: Error: record TACT contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord VNAM[00:38] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC04FF02MarcellaSpeaker "Speaker" [TACT:0401004F][00:38] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL SNAM VNAM [00:47] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:47] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC04BioGasGrenadeExplosion [EXPL:0400D1E6][00:47] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND MODL EITM MNAM DATA INAM [00:47] Background Loader: [Zeta.esm] Building reference info.[00:48] Background Loader: Error: record CELL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord IMPF 46504D49[00:48] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC05SpaceBridge02 "Space Walk" [CELL:05002FD1][00:48] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID FULL DATA XCLL IMPF LTMP LNAM XCLW XNAM XCIM XCMO XCAS [00:52] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:52] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC05ZetaDeathExplosion "Nuke Explosion" [EXPL:0500BCFB][00:52] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL MNAM DATA INAM [00:52] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:52] Background Loader: Errors were found in: testPortableCoverExplosion "Portable Cover Explosion" [EXPL:05003327][00:52] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL MNAM DATA INAM [00:52] Background Loader: [CRAFT.esm] Building reference info.[00:52] Background Loader: [CALIBR.esm] Building reference info.[00:52] Background Loader: [Advanced Recon Tech.esm] Building reference info.[00:52] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm] Building reference info.[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DEST[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DSTD 44545344[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DSTF 46545344[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord ETYP[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord YNAM[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord ZNAM[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord WNAM[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord NAM9[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord NAM8[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DATA[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DNAM[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord CRDT[00:53] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord VNAM[00:53] Background Loader: Errors were found in: WeapGrenadePulse "Pulse Grenade" [WEAP:00004331][00:53] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL MODT ICON EITM DEST DSTD DSTF ETYP YNAM ZNAM INAM WNAM NAM9 NAM8 DATA DNAM CRDT VNAM [00:55] Background Loader: [Mart's Mutant Mod.esm] Building reference info.[00:55] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MIC2 3243494D[00:55] Background Loader: Errors were found in: zMMMzNightGhoulVisionToken "Night Ghoul Vision" [ARMO:0A0F145B][00:55] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL SCRI BMDT ICON MICO ICO2 MIC2 ETYP DATA DNAM [00:56] Background Loader: [Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm] Building reference info.[00:56] Background Loader: [CASM.esp] Building reference info.[00:56] Background Loader: [CrowdedCities_v2.esp] Building reference info.[00:57] Background Loader: [Rivet City Merchants.esp] Building reference info.[00:57] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp] Building reference info.[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DEST[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DSTD 44545344[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DSTF 46545344[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord ETYP[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord YNAM[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord ZNAM[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord WNAM[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord NAM9[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord NAM8[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DATA[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord DNAM[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord CRDT[00:57] Background Loader: Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord VNAM[00:57] Background Loader: Errors were found in: WeapGrenadePulse "Pulse Grenade" [WEAP:00004331][00:57] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL MODT ICON EITM DEST DSTD DSTF ETYP YNAM ZNAM INAM WNAM NAM9 NAM8 DATA DNAM CRDT VNAM [00:58] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp] Building reference info.[00:58] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp] Building reference info.[00:58] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp] Building reference info.[00:58] Background Loader: Error: record EXPL contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord INAM 4D414E49[00:58] Background Loader: Errors were found in: DLC03TeslaCannonExplosion "Missile Explosion" [EXPL:03002700][00:58] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID OBND FULL MODL EITM MNAM DATA INAM [00:58] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp] Building reference info.[00:58] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp] Building reference info.[00:58] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp] Building reference info.[00:59] Background Loader: [FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp] Building reference info. any ideas what to do? is it possible my actual copy I downloaded from Steam could be the root cause of this due to some unforeseen glitch in the DLCs? I Googled a few of the Error Messages, found a similar issue on a thread and someone said it's rather strange that DLC is apparently showing up with errors so early on in a report... no one could come up with a solution unfortunately :/ if so- perhaps I should have to bite the bullet and have a 3rd download after a clean uninstall. this option seems more much more desirable than pulling my hair out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuzalino Posted February 7, 2013 Author Share Posted February 7, 2013 update: i'm looking at similar errors here to rectify what exactly the issues are fingers Xd :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuzalino Posted February 8, 2013 Author Share Posted February 8, 2013 ok, i've had some right problems here and currently on my 5th fresh re-installation after wiping out everything to start anew. my reasons for this- I started to use FO3edit a bit more to try investigate and determine exactly what was going wrong.I had been initially getting errors aligned to Broken Steel, after a reinstallation, it was coming up as the Advanced Recon Tech mod... (I used BOSS and some guides on here to tweak the load order, so everything should of been fine in that respect); looking a little bit further- through the DLCs, the errors were coming from there! then; after looking even higher up to fallout3.esm, a multitude of errors showed up! with all of these issues i've mentioned, it renders me unable to create a merged patch. so, I completely wiped every single trace of Fallout 3 and downloaded again! I then backed up the brand 'new' fresh copy first of all (to save me downloading, should of really done that before haha!), and then reinstalled. just out of a matter of interest, or foresight even, I ran FO3edit before installing any mods to see if the same errors, or anything similar, occurs. upon checking fallout3.esm- it showed up with loads of errors again! has this been heard of before?the only topic i've found that is the same said to remove the game as fallout3.esm was corrupt and a new copy was needed... it's became a merry-go-round of tedium! am I completely oblivious to something here? is there an official patch or something I must download (was under the impression that GotY on Steam would have everything)... everything seemed to work swimmingly up to about a week ago, and as much as I love this game, don't really want to play it minus FWE + MMM etc... wouldnt feel the same. I have deleted everything completely again, and about to reinstall the backup... one. last. time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Purr4me Posted February 8, 2013 Share Posted February 8, 2013 ok, i've had some right problems here and currently on my 5th fresh re-installation after wiping out everything to start anew. my reasons for this- I started to use FO3edit a bit more to try investigate and determine exactly what was going wrong.I had been initially getting errors aligned to Broken Steel, after a reinstallation, it was coming up as the Advanced Recon Tech mod... (I used BOSS and some guides on here to tweak the load order, so everything should of been fine in that respect); looking a little bit further- through the DLCs, the errors were coming from there! then; after looking even higher up to fallout3.esm, a multitude of errors showed up! with all of these issues i've mentioned, it renders me unable to create a merged patch. so, I completely wiped every single trace of Fallout 3 and downloaded again! I then backed up the brand 'new' fresh copy first of all (to save me downloading, should of really done that before haha!), and then reinstalled. just out of a matter of interest, or foresight even, I ran FO3edit before installing any mods to see if the same errors, or anything similar, occurs. upon checking fallout3.esm- it showed up with loads of errors again! has this been heard of before?the only topic i've found that is the same said to remove the game as fallout3.esm was corrupt and a new copy was needed... it's became a merry-go-round of tedium! am I completely oblivious to something here? is there an official patch or something I must download (was under the impression that GotY on Steam would have everything)... everything seemed to work swimmingly up to about a week ago, and as much as I love this game, don't really want to play it minus FWE + MMM etc... wouldnt feel the same. I have deleted everything completely again, and about to reinstall the backup... one. last. time.Hi, #1 fallout3.esm is known to contain errors you are finding to the likes of unbelieveable amounts. this is normal even on the retail DVD version of the game. The dlc packs as well contain errors from default as shipped in either method. you are driving your self nuts using the tool to remove what can't be removed. fo3 edit version 3.0.15 was and always will be the last and only version you should be using on your fallout3 game data. the neweer version seems to be finding things that are considered normal and do not show up using the original released version of the tool. new version will NOT show Unknown for water tables when this data is needed to be seen by the authors During mod inspections. 3.0.25 and above removes this, so if that is no longer showing up? what else is not showing up? fallout3.esm will take about 15 minutes on a good machine to complete the run of error checks. a few thousand errors you will find. But at run time, they are not even loaded as these are data points removed from the game that pointed to hardware not found on the PC's, namely xbox codes, and PS3 codes as that was and is the source of the game you are presently using for the PC. scripting packages contain data for fo3edit for skyrim's functions. this is not skyrim so remove the extra data from the game folder. it's not required. find and use only fo3edit 3.0.15 and stay with that tool and you won't have as much trouble you have been having. support for the newer version of fo3edit is limited to the skyrim game only as posted there on the download link and that game only. same file as you see here. the only usable extra data is the hard coded.dat file for use in fallout 3. mods made from the default game data may contain some of these errors but the patched version of the game and the geck prevent them from being introduced into new mods. To a certain extent. depends on how things are done. install your game, run it , get an established saved game and rerun it to make sure you clear before adding mods to it. use the tools of your choice on mods one ata time so you can keep track of what your messing with. I hope this helps you out some. kitty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuzalino Posted February 8, 2013 Author Share Posted February 8, 2013 nice one, that's explained a hell of a lot. thank you :) I was using the 3.0.26 experimental version of FO3edit on the strength of a guide that I had been following on YouTube with regards to modding. i'm kind of new to all of this really (i'm Graphic Design not Gaming- so much of this has went way over my head and i've tried to be as resourceful as possible), but yes- it has been driving me a tad doolally! i've just managed to have a successful little half hour run through with a very early save after Vault 101- no crashes whatsoever. good start. actually feeling a bit more positive about sorting this out now. the point I had gotten up to prior to all this nonsense is the part were you follow Dad to Rivet City, on the terrain just past RoboCo... I didn't have a crazy amount of mods running, but it would let me save a couple of times, then after that it would either CTD on the next save or if I used VATS to pick off something in the distance with a Sniper Rifle/Missile Launcher, for instance. i'm going to try running it on Vanilla on a save around Vault 112 (or close to those saves) and see how it goes around there before attempting to re-add and work everything in again. one question with regards to saved games and CTDs though; if a certain 'batch' of saves have links to CTDs (like the part where I was seeming to crash at past RoboCo), would they still be deemed as corrupt or anything? if everything goes great again- could I return to them after re-installing everything or is that a risk?I try and back every save I have in gaming, but if something isn't worth keeping then I should just get rid.just for future reference. once again- cheers for the clarification on this :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Purr4me Posted February 9, 2013 Share Posted February 9, 2013 saved game mystery's are still part of the learning curve for all concerned. If you are seeing terrain problems , visual defects on the map, then something is wrong with the loaded data. Now. what is not talked about are the most simplest / overlooked items we deal with. IF you have installed the game into a controlled directory of the OS: "c:\program files and folders" then you will be dealing with permission issues hidden from you. As this is the default install location, windows operating systems set at default settings will guarantee this CTD condition. user input of where the game is installed must first be taken into consideration at time of install or, knowledge of how to take over authorization of all data moved from that location to a new game folder on the root of the hard drive. under-properties management is what controls all of that. so, if you don't want to half to learn al of this? it's best never to install anything the OS will claim as restricted into it's control folders. AKA : C;\Program files and folders Or any folder labeled (x86), these fall under very strict controls of the system. You will not see an (x86)creation folder when choosing the game foulder on the root of the hard drive. But you still will have minimal security placed on the files, a hell of a lot easier to take control over and a lot less to deal with. user account controls. if you don't want to risk OS integrity corruptions, you leave it alone. if you area gambler, disable it.But, if you do disable it, the windows security will now venture out of it's native control folders and cover the entire hard drive. best to not play with it and just work around built in problems before hand. Use the OS to control what it watches and does not watch. you want the (OS) NOT to be watching you or the games software while running. desk top "My computer icon". right click it, select properties, select Advanced system settings, select Performance button "settings", select Tab "Data Execution Prevention", Enable " ........Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select",grab the (Add ) Button and browse to the game folder and grab all executable s you intend to be using, including the geck, fose, fo3edit, etc.. you do this for all things you want full control over at all times. this includes NON game programs too. when done grabing all you think you want control over, make sureto hit the apply button and then ok. your done. NOW , your ready to remove and take ownership over all your game files and reassigned the security to your user name on the PC. the account you log onto the PC with. All this has to do with sections of data being watched while the game is in play, background things taking place you never see can interfere and cause the game to suddenly for no reason at all just close. This is the reason. any time you edit, move, copy , or select an item on any windows platform. you will be subjected to this. Linux users don't have this problem, wine is only an Emulator so all that crap is not there.All Fallout 3 for the PC is controlled by windows. Programs written for windows. Steam / Valve: knows this. install folders are defaulted to windows for ease of installation.also easier to foul up stuff too. a crash free system requires a lot of work not only to the game but everything the game comes into contact with. Subjected to. ini files are a Windows attribute to control the games functions. Direct x controls windows the game uses and the graphic drivers use the same thing. A lot is going on as you can see. Video settings are the most control "sensitive" feature you need to play with to remove terain malfunctions in rendering in a window. Kitty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuzalino Posted February 9, 2013 Author Share Posted February 9, 2013 I bought my PC as an ex-works model and had it suped up a little, whilst the C: / OS drive doesn't have a terribly large capacity, I made sure that my games etc are all stored on other drives; so things would run a bit easier on the work-related software I use on the OS one and conserve space... pretty glad that I now know this will be a huge benefit in the future. following instructions, I managed to get everything installed accordingly. had about 5 solid hours gaming on good settings- not one crash at all... mods are all merged and working almost seamlessly together. perfect. it does seem quite apparent that the problems were rooted to not using the FIOPs, not merging the mods and the unnecessary version of FO3edit... I did, however, also make sure to change the .ini and take the measures advised on many a crash-related issue, just in case. can't quite believe it's not gave me a total headache tonight tbh, this has been quite the learning curve to say the very least! :) also: managed to load up the saves that were crashing prior to the last install, all good- no problems occurred whatsoever (and Dad got to Rivet City just fine). thanks for all the help & info, really appreciate it :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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