Zorkaz Posted September 1, 2020 Share Posted September 1, 2020 Can someone lead me to the right tutorial about quest aliases if it exists? The setup: Basically I have a misc item called "Mining Explosives" (It can't be an explosive because you need at least 8 to get out of a Canyon) When I activate a holotape via Pipboy (Via Event OnItemEquipped())it should detonate those mines (Via placeatme(Explosion) and .Disable())Of course it checks if the main quest has been completed The issue: Well everything.I get that you need to make a alias that searches via "Find matching Reference", closest to player.And "HasKeyword" is important too. But how can I achieve the rest? I know it's a big and vague question. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SKKmods Posted September 1, 2020 Share Posted September 1, 2020 I would tend to model it in script as its more flexible before optimising with an alias fill. Unless it needs specific RefCollection alias fill conditions to detect. Which a bunch of known MISC objects the the loaded area do not: Actor Property pPlayerREF auto const mandatory MiscObject Property pMiscExplosives auto const mandatory Explosion Property pCGPrewarNuke auto const mandatory Function ExplosivesGoBoom() ObjectReference[] Explosives = pPlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(pMiscExplosives, afRadius = 10240) If (Explosives.Length < 8) ;Too Few case ElseIf (Explosives.Length > 8) ;Too many case ElseIf (Explosives.Length == 8) ;goldilocks case Int iIndex =0 While (iIndex < Explosives.Length) Explosives[iIndex].PlaceAtMe(pCGPrewarNuke) Explosives[iIndex].Disable() Explosives[iIndex].Delete() iIndex +=1 Endwhile EndIf EndFunction The Quest alias way would be to create a ReferenceCollectionAlias, set Max count 0, set Optional, Fill conditions GetIsID == MiscExplosives (or whatever the Form name is). Then attach a script to the quest with; Explosion Property pCGPrewarNuke auto const mandatory RefCollectionAlias Property Alias_Explosives auto const mandatory Event OnQuestInit() If (Alias_Explosives.GetCount() < 8) ;Too Few case ElseIf (Alias_Explosives.GetCount() > 8) ;Too many case ElseIf (Alias_Explosives.GetCount() == 8) ;goldilocks case Int iIndex =0 While (iIndex < Alias_Explosives.GetCount()) Alias_Explosives.GetAt(iIndex).PlaceAtMe(pCGPrewarNuke) Alias_Explosives.GetAt(iIndex).Disable() Alias_Explosives.GetAt(iIndex).Delete() iIndex +=1 Endwhile EndIf (Self as Quest).Stop() EndEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zorkaz Posted September 2, 2020 Author Share Posted September 2, 2020 Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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