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Moddin noob


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Good day,


i have a problem surely regarding in me not using mods before. I wish to use a body replacer on oblivion, but it´s not working. I have downloaded the mod manager and it works, but the textures are not showing, there is simply nothing, i cannot even choose a new body


mistaked i could have done but have not:

I activate only one mod at a time and make sure it´s activated in the mod manager

i have updated to the latest patch version i think 1.2041 or so.


It would be great if someone could help me!

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What body? I think I once counted 11 various body mods for Oblivion. :tongue:

Note that a Race mod is not a body - it is an overlay for a body and may not work with all bodies - Read the read me.

Reread the read me for it to see if something else is required or if there are special install instructions.

Many of the body mods don't have a choice - you get one and one only. And that body is used for ALL NPCs as well as your player character. Others have so many choices that NMM just cannot handle them. (Multiple esps, use only one, type mods)


Most common - the mod is working, but until you undress the NPCs you will not be able to tell - as the face is NOT a part of the body mod. The readme usually tells you what face/hair/cosmetic/eye mods were used in making the screenshots. And, any clothing actually replaces the part of the body it covers - there is actually NO body under clothing or armor. You must remove the clothing/armor for the actual body to be seen.


Not all Oblivion mods work well with NMM as NMM is a new program - released just last year. - And Oblivion is an old game where most mods were made long before the NMM and were never actually created to use it. Many mods still work fine with NMM as it does use the most common file structure that mod authors used even then. - You may have to install it manually - not really that difficult - and prior to the release of mod managers, manual was the only way to install mods.

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