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Battle Horn Castle Rebuilt


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Hi everyone i am new to PC gaming and modding and i just got oblivion game of the year deluxe on steam so i downloaded the mods for the rebuilt Battle horn castle and when i go inside and sometimes outside the castle it crashes my game in certain areas i don't if this is a file problem or what but my game only crashes in this area (bh castle) this is my favorite mod so far and i like keeping my items here so i hope someone can please help me fix the problem thanks
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I don't use the mod myself but have been following it's mod comments. Only thing I can think of is whether or not your machine is up to the job. There are areas of the mod that are very tasking (you'll notice low FPS).
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my machine is from early 2012 and the fps dose not seem to drop too only dose in some areas of the castle the whole game( minus BH castle) with the qual texture pack runs on high without any lag it is just this area it just sucks for me because i forgot to back up the old bh castle Edited by justin96
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When it comes to hardware it isn't so much a case of 'how recent' as it is simply a matter of 'how fast' and 'how much memory'. Brand new laptops are an example of what won't work for Oblivion unless you have been very careful selecting the right laptop. Laptops will typically have either a good CPU and lousy graphics (Intel integrated is common) or a slow CPU and a fairly decent discrete graphics. Anything with shared memory for graphics will be taxed by Oblivion, and modern CPUs are often slower on the GHz and they try to make it up by having multiple cores. That works OK with modern software and games but Oblivion was last updated long before Intel or AMD dreamed up multi-core CPUs and when you add modern mods to Oblivion it just ups the ante for hardware spec requirements. Oblivion plus a mod like this will need at least 3 GHz CPU speed with absolute minimum 2 GB system RAM along with a dedicated video card with at least 1 GB VRAM (preferably 2 GB). You might get away with scrimping on the CPU speed but anything other than dedicated graphics will not make it.


If you think your machine isn't the problem perhaps you should post details about your problem on the mod comments. If you are getting the crash at a certain spot all the time the mod author may know some details about that particular spot.

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