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More Legend of Zelda content wanted :c


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WARNING: Long post is long. This is a large request, and I don't expect it all to be handled by one person. :3

NOTE: Everything requested below, I don't expect in final mod form. I would like to take care of that myself, actually. Simply a working model with collision that I can import with the Creation Kit, and then do with as I wish to make into a mod will do. To clarify further, I'm not expecting a finished mod ready to download and install. Instead, it would be great if I could just get Creation Kit-ready models that I can import without any extra steps with NifSkope, Maya, 3DS Max, Photoshop, etc.


EDITED: Thanks to FavoredSoul for pointing out that providing ripped material is against the ToS. I apologize. However, the ToS does not seem to specify that recreations of content from other games is not allowed. If it is not, then this thread should be closed, and the ToS modified to reflect this specification. If it is allowed, then my post will remain, and whoever wants to help out can do so using the references I've provided below.


Hey guys. I would do this myself, but every single attempt I've ever made at importing a weapon model to Skyrim has failed miserably. So I've come here as a last resort.


As the title suggests, I want more Legend of Zelda content. Shields, swords, collectibles, armor, clothing... the works. I have the tools and resources to obtain direct model rips from the games, so if these would be of any help, just let me know, and I can supply them. It might take a while for me to get them out of the proper file(s), but I can do it, nonetheless.


From here on out, I'm categorizing the content I would like to see converted.




Wind Waker



Skyward Sword

Wind Waker

Twilight Princess




These are all items that could be useful for crafting recipes for the above items and various other purposes in a mod

Skyward Sword


Twilight Princess

Edited by Ar7ific1al
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If providing ripped models is not allowed, please just let me know. If it is okay to post them or PM them, I can do so.


No it's not allowed. See ToS.



The posting of copyrighted material, unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material, is strictly prohibited on any Nexus site. This includes linking to sites that contain copyrighted material used without permission of the copyright holder. Legal inquiries regarding copyright infringement are taken very seriously on Nexus sites and we will work with any legal body to identify and bring to justice anyone who might use a Nexus site to share copyrighted material.


Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors.
Edited by FavoredSoul
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Alrighty, thanks. I wasn't sure (failed to read ToS, guilty as charged) if it was allowed, so I took the safe route and didn't bother uploading/posting any ripped content. The references I've posted are from other sites, and should not infringe upon this point in the ToS. However, if even recreating content from other games without the use of ripped/pirated assets is not allowed, then it should be specified in the ToS, and many mods should be taken off of the Nexus. I did not see anywhere in the ToS where this is not allowed, so I'll leave my post here as-is with reference materials. Edited by Ar7ific1al
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