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Vortex download manager is super slow...


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I think the devs of Vortex should make the download manager of Vortex better because it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO unstable. Sometimes it just goes 0B/s and I have tested my internet speed and it should not do that. I have tried downloading in other download managers too like google chrome, utorrent/bittorrent and others but it's not as unstable as Vortex download manager which literally goes to a point of not downloading anything.

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Guest deleted34304850

super slow <> unstable.

comparing it to a torrent program is not a good idea as they don't work in the same way.

google chrome is a browser not a mod manager - another invalid comparison.

not really sure what your issue is here, as there's not a lot of valid data that can be used to diagnose any potential issue - however if you have an issue with connecting to download servers there are thousands of posts on the main suport forums with guides to show you what you need to do to establish the issue and report it correctly.

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Same for Premium users. All that does is remove the download cap. It will do nothing to speed up downloads if you are internet limited.

Caveat: Nexusmods uses a bunch of download servers. If you get one that is "broken", try to get a connection to a different one.


What should always be true - Vortex downloads should be as fast as a manual download through a browser.

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