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How to sprint-jump with the 360 controller [DIY]


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UPDATE. Do not follow this tutorial, it doesn't work in its current state. If you wish to make it work properly please read all posts in this thread. I tried to simplify the process but there is some critical stuff missing. I'm working on packing the needed files into a mod, then all you have to do is download my mod, Sprint Jump mod, Joy2Key, then copy the files.




Use the following ONLY for reference if you're trying to do something similar.



Ever since the day Skyrim first came out, we were all pretty disappointed by... Actually screw the intro, here's how you do it:


Note, do everything in the next five sections titled:


B: JOY 2 KEY: BASIC *or* Bb: JOY 2 KEY: ADVANCED (at the end of this post)






There are 2 different configurations in this post. Please choose the one you'll be more happy with, because its not easy to change once you've configured the Sprint and Jump mod. (Requires de-activate mod, load/save game, re-activate mod, load game, re configure)

The first one, BASIC USERS, uses the classic 'sprint=Left Bumper' and 'jump=Ybutton' layout.

The second one, ADVANCED USERS allows you to map your sprint button to 'pushing all the way foreward' on the Right stick (the one that makes you walk and run).




A: WHAT YOU NEED: (3 things)


"Sprint and Jump with Boost" - by Deathless Aphrodite



"Use both Xbox 360 controller AND Keyboard SIMULTANEOUSLY" - by bazza013



"Joy 2 Key"


Tip: Read the note UNDER the "Download NOW from CNET" button. It has a direct link that bypasses the CNET downloader, which of course tries to trick you into installing toolbars or something.



Now that you have the files, here's what you do in numbered steps.





These instructions are for the classic 'sprint'=LB and 'jump'=Y.


1) Unzip Joy 2 Key to wherever you want. I have mine unzipped to C:\Joy 2 key\

2) Plug in your 360 controller and Run Joy 2 Key.exe

3) It will automatically detect and connect to your controller, so push some buttons or move a thumbstick to make sure Joystick1 menu turns YELLOW.

4) In the Joystick1 menu, scroll down to 'Button 5' and double click it.

5) A window will pop up. In this window, navigate to the FIRST 'Keyboard' category option and click it. (there are 2 Keyboard options, its the one on the LEFT)

6) Under 'Keyboard emulation' you will see 4 boxes that say 'Disabled'. Click in the TOP box and press 'Alt'. Then click the next box down and press 'W'. Click Ok.


Still with me? Almost done I promise.


9) If you look at Button 5 in the main window, it will now say "Alt, W" under 'Function'.

10) Now navigate to 'Button 4'. This is the 'Y' button on your controller. Double click it and another window will pop up. In the first 'Keyboard' category, you will see 4 boxes that say 'Disabled'.

Click in the TOP box and press 'Space Bar'. Click Ok. You are now DONE with Joy 2 Key so you can now click File > Save.


DO NOT CLOSE JOY2KEY, instead, minimize it. This will place it in the system tray. Closing it will make it not work.

If you wish to test it, open notepad and press Y on your controller to make sure its typing a space.






1) Read the instructions on the mod page. It will tell you to back up your Data\Interface\Controls\PC\controlmap.txt file. If this file exists, BACK IT UP. Otherwise, make sure the directory exists.

2) Once the above directory "Data\Interface\Controls\PC\" exists in your Skyrim installation folder, Unzip the file "controlmap.txt" and copy it into that directory. "Data\Interface\Controls\PC\controlmap.txt"






1) Unzip the file and place the mod files into your Data folder. Run SkyrimLauncher.exe or NMM and activate DEAsprint&jump.esp (Yep, that's how you install a mod folks)

2) Run your game and load your save.






When you first load your save, the Sprint and Jump mod will pop up a few messages. These messages are as follows:


MESSAGE: "Hold your 'Sprint' Key..." When this happens, do the following:

Basic users: hold LB, then click Ok.

Advanced users: hold forward all the way on the left thumbstick, then click Ok.

Continue holding it until the next message pops up (about 10 seconds)


MESSAGE: "Hold your 'Forward' Key..." When this happens, hold Y on your controller. If it doesn't make the message go away, then click Ok with the mouse while still holding Y.

Continue holding it until the next message pops up (about 10 seconds)


MESSAGE: "Hold your 'Forward' Key..." When this happens, release then hold Y again on your controller. If it doesn't make the message go away, then click Ok with the mouse while still holding Y.

Continue holding it until the next message pops up (about 10 seconds)


Done! Now when you sprint, hold the jump button for a second and your character will jump!




::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Bb: JOY 2 KEY: ADVANCED USERS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

These instructions allow you to map 'sprint' to pushing forward all the way on the right thumbstick. No more stupid 'sprint button'


1) Unzip Joy 2 Key to wherever you want. I have mine unzipped to C:\Joy 2 key\

2) Plug in your 360 controller and Run Joy 2 Key

3) It will automatically detect and connect to your controller, so push some buttons or move a thumbstick to make sure Joystick1 menu turns YELLOW.

4) In the Joystick1 menu, scroll down to 'Stick1' and double click the 'Stick1' with an UP arrow next to it. This is NOT the arrow that's pointing down, left, NOR right.

5) A window will pop up. In this window, navigate to the SECOND 'Keyboard' category option and click it. (there are 2 Keyboard options, its the one on the RIGHT)

6) In the middle of the window you will see 4 'Radio button' options. Click the LAST (4th) radio button to select "Switch depending on alalog input level"

(For those who don't know, a 'Radio button' is just a little circle that you can click to select something.)

7) Now, UNDER "Switch depending on alalog input level", Set [input1] < to 0, Set [input2] < to anywhere between 95 and 97. (Mine is set to 97, any higher and it doesn't seem to work)

8) Near the top of the window there are empty boxes named Input 1, input 2, and input 3. Click the first box under input 3, then press the 'Alt' key. Then click the second box under Input 3 and press the 'W' key.

(Now, when you press the right (move) analog stick all the way forward, it will make you sprint. This leaves your sprint button free for other things.)


Continue to the above instructions for "CONTROLLER AND KEYBOARD SIMULTANEOUSLY", "SPRINT AND JUMP", and "IN GAME".


If you have questions please post them here with details on what part you are having problems with, and where things may have went wrong.

I will try to help as best I can.


Cheers and happy leaping!

Edited by vinniewryan
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I assume you copied the controlmap.txt to the correct location. The first thing to do would be to make sure this is working. Placing this file in the Data\Interface\PC\Controls\ directory should make both the keyboard and controller work in game. Have you tested that this is working?


Also, you must have [use xbox 360 controller] checked/ enabled in your game. Do this by going to the pause menu "System -> Settings -> Gameplay -> then click on [use xbox 360 controller] if its not already checked.


I will look into something while I wait for your reply. I suspect that the game may be reading input from both the y button and space bar at the same time, and because both of them are 'jump' buttons, it doesn't know what to do because its not expecting two different jump buttons at the same time. I will let you know what I find.

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Okay so there are 2 workarounds, you can use any one but they all have a down side.


W1) The downside to this workaround, is that A, when you press 'Sprint', your character will both sprint and move forwards. Also, you can't use the thumbstick to sprint jump, you must only use LB to sprint, and Y to jump. All you have to do is, when you load the game and the config messages pop up for 'DEA Sprint and Jump', do the following:


Message-> Hold your sprint key -> HOLD LB

Message-> Hold your foreward key -> HOLD Y

Message-> Hold your Jump key -> HOLD Y


W2) I'm working on it. I decided to pack my own Joy2Key config file and control map, that way all you have to do is drop the files in and go. :)

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The controller is enabled in game. the .txt file is in the right spot (i had to create one but it is in the right spot) i can move with the keyboard and the controller. your first workaround doesnt really say to do anything different than what I have been doing because I press lb and nothing happens no matter how long I hold it when the configuration comes up. which means I dont ever hit the next stage of the configuration. as I said the y button makes spaces in word so I know that is working.
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You could try changing LB to something that's not a modifier key, such as r or f, modifier "Alt, Ctrl, etc'. That would show if its the game not accepting the modifier key from Joy2Key, or if its just not mapped correctly somehow.


I'll post a packed file tonight after work, it will have my working configuration. Also this has only been tested with the newest 1.8.151 version without dragonborn DLC so other issues may arise if your setup is different.

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You could try changing LB to something that's not a modifier key, such as r or f, modifier "Alt, Ctrl, etc'. That would show if its the game not accepting the modifier key from Joy2Key, or if its just not mapped correctly somehow.


I'll post a packed file tonight after work, it will have my working configuration. Also this has only been tested with the newest 1.8.151 version without dragonborn DLC so other issues may arise if your setup is different.

I have of skyrim but I do have dragonbord dlc. Are you saying that I should change lb to r, or f to see if that makes lb use the r button in game?

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You could try changing LB to something that's not a modifier key, such as r or f, modifier "Alt, Ctrl, etc'. That would show if its the game not accepting the modifier key from Joy2Key, or if its just not mapped correctly somehow.


I'll post a packed file tonight after work, it will have my working configuration. Also this has only been tested with the newest 1.8.151 version without dragonborn DLC so other issues may arise if your setup is different.

I have of skyrim but I do have dragonbord dlc. Are you saying that I should change lb to r, or f to see if that makes lb use the r button in game?


Yep. I had problems getting Joy2Key to properly press 'Insert' key, they fixed it in the latest version but that's enough for me to be skeptical that there can still be errors, especially because its feeding the buttons to a fullscreen application.


I narrowed the problem down to the sprint key, LB. To fix it, open 'controlmap.txt' and change the following line:


Sprint	0x38		0xff		0x0100	1	1	1




Sprint	0x38		0xff		0xff		1	0	0



This will make the game use the keyboard input from Joy2Key as the sprint button.

Edited by vinniewryan
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Okay, here are my files. There is a readme included which outlines my custom controls, which can be changed in Joy2Key but I would suggest using the default for the initial test, to see if it works correctly.


NOTE: A is jump and pushing all the way forward on the left thumbstick is sprint. When configuring Sprint and Jump, use the keyboard, not the controller.


Configure Sprint and Jump mod as follows:


Hold your Sprint key - hold Alt

Hold your Forward key - hold Space

Hold your Jump key - hold Space again


Let me know the results.

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