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Dragonborn no problem for me


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So I finally managed to play skyrim again and after stuffing around doing quests and starting a new game I decided to have a go at the newest dlc.

A lot of people said they had problems not absorbing dragon souls well it works perfect for me. Even the very first dragon you fight at whiterun. Still worked perfect. People said freezing when on the boat well hasn't happened to me either. Touch wood I have not had even 1 ctd yet.

Am I just lucky or???

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Well, I myself didnt have any crashes gameplay related....just one so far because of Microsof Visual C++ or something like that....Normal absorption, I cant say, only killed 1 dragon so far, and Miraak stole the soul....Word learning, normal.....I dont know, maybe the people running the Unofficial Patches are the ones having more troubles....I have no Unnoficial patch and never had problems like the ones the patches fix
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Only bug I found is when absorbing the first Dragon Soul.


Mirmulnir doesn't disintegrate and allow you to show your status as Dragonborn.


That's about it really.


All I did to get past that was switch off the Dragonborn ESM then turn it back on after that part.

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Well for me the only thing I had to do was remove three animation files, other than that no problems but at least from what I hear (and in no way can confirm.) a lot of the problems came from the unofficial patch's which I wait until the final official update to install anyways.
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I've had just one bug that forced me to reload an autosave and that bug didn't come back. My guess is that all these people complaining about the DLC are experiencing mod compatibility issues, which I honestly think should be expected if you have dozens of overhauls and "fixes" installed that haven't been updated for the new DLC.
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