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GECK won't save.


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I opened GECK and loaded FalloutNV.esm, sortomatic.esm and StantonsMine.esp, setting StantonsMine.esp as the active file.


I then went to the cell where the basement of the house is located. All I changed was one workbench. I removed the original workbench and replaced it with a crafting workbench that was created to work with sortomatic. It looks identical. The main difference being that it comes from an object palette rather than using the model from the FalloutNV.esm. I then save the file I'm working on causing the screen to flicker as though it saved but it actually hasn't done anything. I don't understand.


The other confusing thing is that when load the file up in the first place all the elements of the StantonsMine.esp in the cell view have the little asterix marks next to their names as though they have things that need to be saved.........but I haven't done anything to them yet.

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Right, I figured it out but rather than leave it I thought I'd post up what I found just in case anyone else runs into the same problem. It turns out that the GECK really doesn't like when you are running a program for managing two monitors on your computer. Something about the button that gets added by the program to swap your programs from one monitor to the other. I'm using DisplayFusion 4. Once I added the GECK to an exceptions list within DisplayFusion 4 the GECK finally saved my ESP.
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