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Dialogue Questions in GECK


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All right, I've already figured out how to make simple one-part topics. Pretty straightforward stuff. The real question lately has been how to expand those topics into an actual conversation.




Player: "I have to ask you something..."

NPC: "What's that?"

Player: "Where is the bathroom?"

NPC: "It's over there."


So far, all I'm able to do is:


Player: "I have to ask you something..."

NPC: "What's that?"


... or I just make them all topics that don't sync up with one another:


-I have to ask you something...

-Where is the bathroom?


So, my question is how do you link up parts of the dialogue to make a basic interaction?

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You can do it with a quest: most of these dialogues appear to use quest variables.


Pseudo-code since I'm not at my home PC:

"I have to ask you something...": checks for NewLocationDialogQuest.Bathroom1 == 0, sets this to 1 after the line (in the script field), Set NewLocationDialogQuest.Bathroom1 == 1

Second line "Where is the bathroom?" checks for NewLocationDialogQuest.Bathroom1 == 1, possibly sets it to 2 if you want more lines.


Look into the existing dialogue quests for examples, or in CG04's Amata's dialogue.

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An easier way may be to use the LINK TO and LINK FROM fields, but then you can only have one path -- no multiple answers.


In the first topic, point its LINK TO to the second topic, and in this second topic set the LINK FROM to the first topic. This makes sure that the one is always followed by the other.


I won't be at my home PC for another 6 hours or so, but if you haven't gotten another reply by then I'll follow up on this with screenshots if needed.

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