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  1. I like the new page and think that when it defaults to 'Recently added' sort it can work really well.
  2. Are you using any ini tweaks under \engine\config\platform\pc ? The file from the mod Alternate Character Lighting caused this for me, and I also got weird black splotches from using one of the Ray Tracing tweak mods.
  3. Guilt? Nah. Playing an evil character is cathartic instead. Even though I am going for a real evil character next playthrough, I am not going to go around killing everyone. Mass murder is not evil, just plain psychotic. Plus it locks you out of too much of the game. (Sidenote 1: KOTOR 1 and Planescape Torment had really rewarding evil campaigns, and unfortunately are the only two I can think of where you were not automatically penalized for trying to be lawful evil or neutral evil.) (Sidenote 2: I consider someone who psychologically traps people in deep pits of despair and then profits from them, or who pledges an oath to help someone only to then betray them, to be much more evil than a mass murderer. It's much more evil if your victims have to live with the knowledge of what was done to them. In Fallout 3, I consider Moriarty to be far more evil than Mr. Crowley -- Crowley just wants some people murdered to profit from them, Moriarty keeps whores, slaves, and blackmails people.) High on the todo list: Blow up Megaton for caps and a nicer place to live, enslave people, make sure the Wasteland guide is a death trap ("to disarm a mine, jump on it..." hehe), side with the slavers, side with the Commonwealth then betray them after I get my payment, destroy Angela & Diego's future, etc. etc., and finally side with Eden in the end. I'll be heavily using the mods to enslave everyone and the wasteland pimp package to trap the women under my rule, as well as some other "enhancements" of the sort.
  4. I would not be surprised if Fallout 3 was intended to be set ~50 years after the Great War, and this was only changed to 200 years after in a late stage of development. The game makes much more sense if you consider it to be a prequel instead of a late sequel: "relatively" unscathed areas beyond the nuke blast, an abundance of nuclear cars while in FO2 they were incredibly rare, Chinese remant??, etc.. The only thing which does not fit is the Brotherhood of Steel -- but they could be an unrelated organization instead. Heck, they could even be a remnant of the DC national guard instead! Eden could be retooled to be the FIRST Enclave "president" instead of the latest... after all, if the Enclave was based on an oil rig during Fallout 2 how the hell did they move to Washington DC and get a supercomputer (and new tech) considering the state the world was in?
  5. Eh, what was there was quite good, but RA3 felt a little like they spent the same time on the three factions they normally would have on two. Hope this is clear... while the overall storyline was quite good (keeping in mind it was intended to be a B-movie plot) the individual campaigns felt more rushed than they were in previous games. The tempo at which you invaded America as the Russkies in RA2 felt quite believable (again, in keeping with the setting) -- in RA3 you were jumping all over the map with very few follow-up missions. The only campaign that felt right was the Japanese one, I felt something was missing while I was playing it for the Allies and Soviets. Especially the latter! And is it just me, or was the Russian sniper actress hardly used at all? Does she even HAVE dialogue in the cutscenes? Going by the previews and interviews I'd have expected more.
  6. Red Alert was great, except for the horrid indoor missions (although that is mainly because I just don't like the just-units-no-base missions). I think it's better than Tiberian Dawn. RA2 was fun, but a little bit too goofy. I'm glad RA3 was treated somewhat better... alas the storyline suffered. It felt like half the game was missing, and I won't be surprised if we see the rest of RA3 in an expansion or DLC soonish.
  7. I think most of the landscape was actually generated instead, and Bethesda then did fine-tuning in all the areas we actually can go to. Oblivion has the same weird floating rocks etc. outside of the proper map area. Unfortunately creating a new worldspace or even extending the existing one is a long-term process that takes a lot of time and dedication. For Oblivion, Silgrad Tower has been in development since at least February 2007, and they're still not near a release. I have no doubt we will see extended land for Fallout 3 in the coming months though. The sheer amount of talent and dedication already seen within two months of release (and less than one month of the editor) on this site is very promising.
  8. Creating new topics is possible. When it shows existing topics, right-click and select new (again). I've done some new topics thus far, work like they should. Be wary of copying dialogue lines -- even if you move them to new topics or quests some garbage remains behind. I use FO3Edit to strip these remnants as the GECK won't allow you to (a deleted topic is not actually deleted, but marked DELETED -- even if it is new content not in the base game).
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