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Can't clean Trade and Commerce mod with TES4Edit


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I've got 2 mods that I can't clean with TES4Edit; Trade and Commerce and Jhaeriks Dungeon Fog Remover. I was able to clean these before, but this time, no go.

Any ideas why some mods will clean and others won't?


You're going to have to provide more details than that. What do you mean by you were able to clean them before, but now you can't? Details, please.

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Sorry for the confusing opening post.

I originally loaded a number of mods, including the 2 mentioned, into Data, and did the whole BOSS, TES4Edit, OBMM, WRYE thing. As I recall, those mods were cleaned w/o any problems. After playing through the game, I did a reinstall of Oblivion and loaded a different group of mods into Data. This time, these 2 won't clean.

The name never changes to dark green after the last step. When I close TES4Edit, I get no window telling me the mod was cleaned.

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