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Can't absorb dragon souls


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i had exactly the same problem, nothing worked, the unoff. DB Patch seemed useless, until today!

Here's what I did:


Made a CLEAN re-install of the whole game + dlcs.

I installed it in the following order:

1. Skyrim (of course)

2. Dawnguard

3. Hearthfire

4. Dragonborn

5. Skyrim Unofficial Patch

6. Dragonborn unofficial Patch


Then, I installed the Nexus Mod Manager (v0.43.2) and changed the loading order to the following:







Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp


I also de-activated every other mod


The effects:



I can now again absorb dragon souls as usual plus: The Fight against Miraak was absolutely unglitched!! Everything seems to be in order again now - Thank gods! ^^


Hopefully this helps other ppl experiencing the same issues as those major bugs unfortunately really ruin the game...

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I was having the same issues, notice I said "was." I tried every idea I could find, attempting to avoid taking Dragonborn out of the line up... nothing worked until I did. I updated all the unofficial mods and DSAMG. Unfortunately, I had to disable the DLC in order for the absorption to work. Now I just need someone to figure out how to make this work so I can add the DLC back into my load order, cause I am sure I can't get my money back... and I never got to get past the start of the quest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, this problem has bugged me for the past week but I finally found a way to solve it, for me at least. In my case, I tried everything from installing USP, and UDP, Dragon Soul Merchant, Dragon Absorb spell, and nothing work. I finally caved and unpacked the Dragonborn BSA to debug the issue. The solution for me is to replace the file mqkilldragonscript.pex in the Data/Script folder with the one from the unpacked Dragonborn BSA file. After I replaced it and continue to load the Dragonborn DLC from the BSA as normal, I was able to absorb the soul from the dragons again.


I am not sure what is the reason behind this as I only stumbled upon this on a trial and error basis. As always, make sure to back up your files before trying anything.

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@TrueDarkWolf: Actually, I did some further testing and I think just removing the file mqkilldragonscript.pex from the Data/Scripts folder is sufficient. The Dragonborn.bsa file has its own mqkilldragonscript.pex file. I also removed the dragonactorscript.pex file as mentioned by other people.

Edited by telekinesis1
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