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Can't absorb dragon souls


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I finally figured it out! It's a problem with the SKSE. I just deactivated the mods that use the SKSE and started playing Skyrim with the normal launcher and it worked perfectly. I'm about to contact the SKSE team right now to let them know about the problem.

I don't have SKSE or any mods that use it, and I still get this issue. I'm not saying your wrong, and this may solve some people's issues, but not all.

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ok, so i didnt read EVERY post here, but i have a similar problem, i just cant absorb the souls of SOME dragons (using deadly dragons), here is a mod that helped me: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31909/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D31909&pUp=1

it just adds a spell under the "power" category that enables you to absorb dragon souls manually, worked for me so check it out

and i think it's kinda cool absorbing dragon souls manually^^


oh yea, with this ability you have to stand very close to the dragon, like "activating range" close

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I have all the DLCs and all the unofficial patches installed. I recently started a new character and it wont let me get the dragon souls, I killed a dragon before I got to the western watchtower mission and it wouldn't let me get the soul so I assumed I just had to go through the western watchtower mission which is supposed to be the first time you kill a dragon, and then it would let me get the soul. But when I killed the dragon at the watchtower, it just sat there and I didn't get the soul, which is making the quest not work at all so I cant progress to high Hrothgar. I would really like to find out how to fix this!

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Thank you so much kaetzer! I tried every single suggestion on this damn topic and nothing worked til' you came around! Haha I just started a new game and was stuck on one of the first quests where you have to kill and absorb the soul of the dragon at the watchtower. I thought I would never progress through the story. Phew!

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@TrueDarkWolf: Actually, I did some further testing and I think just removing the file mqkilldragonscript.pex from the Data/Scripts folder is sufficient. The Dragonborn.bsa file has its own mqkilldragonscript.pex file. I also removed the dragonactorscript.pex file as mentioned by other people.


I tried a few of the solutions provided in here and this one was the only one that worked. I removed both .pex files and was now able to absord a soul. Thank you for your help.

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