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Follower Hair Glitching Out (Racemenu preset conversion)


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Has anyone seen this before?



I'm converting a Racemenu preset to a follower and the hair seems to go crazy on me. There are a couple of issues that might make this different from other conversions I've done:

I've tried both NifMerging the Head and making the edits myself in NifSkope but the outcome is the same. This isn't an issue when I view the character in Racemenu prior to the export. I've tried two characters recently and they have the same issue, the only common threads are that they both come from the same pack of racemenu presets and they both use the highpoly head.

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Hmm... sounds a bit strange: Nifmerge doesn't work on SE meshes. It can only process LE heads reliably.


There are basically two ways to achieve what you want:

1. Work in "Oldrim" (which means you can use Nifmerge) and then port the finished follower to LE.

2. Workflow without Nifmerge in SE only. Here's a guide for that.


BTW: Are you using hdt hair? The visual bugs resemble artifacts you could get with HDT bugging out...

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Hmm... sounds a bit strange: Nifmerge doesn't work on SE meshes. It can only process LE heads reliably.


There are basically two ways to achieve what you want:

1. Work in "Oldrim" (which means you can use Nifmerge) and then port the finished follower to LE.

2. Workflow without Nifmerge in SE only. Here's a guide for that.


BTW: Are you using hdt hair? The visual bugs resemble artifacts you could get with HDT bugging out...

I've tried both. Use nif optimizer to convert both meshes to LE, merging them and then running it again to convert them to SE. I've also tried a method similar to the guide you posted but it was from Kalilies guide. Both have the same effect.

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Hmm... sounds a bit strange: Nifmerge doesn't work on SE meshes. It can only process LE heads reliably.


There are basically two ways to achieve what you want:

1. Work in "Oldrim" (which means you can use Nifmerge) and then port the finished follower to LE.

2. Workflow without Nifmerge in SE only. Here's a guide for that.


BTW: Are you using hdt hair? The visual bugs resemble artifacts you could get with HDT bugging out...

I've tried both. Use nif optimizer to convert both meshes to LE, merging them and then running it again to convert them to SE. I've also tried a method similar to the guide you posted but it was from Kalilies guide. Both have the same effect.


Double-converting first from SE to LE and then back again seems risky to me. Too many situations where something could go wrong. But if the other method doesn't work either, that's probably not the root of your issues...


Did you set up your follower's hair in the CK correctly? There are a lot of things one could do wrong.... Make sure hair meshes are used for hair and hairline meshes for hairline. Also check if your hair consists of several parts. I once had a similar problem with a haircut, that consisted of two hairline meshes and a hair mesh. I forgot two create a headpart for the second hairline mesh.... Apart from that I don't really have an idea what could have gone wrong...

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If anyone comes looking for this the issue was the brows. High Poly Head supplies it's own mesh for the brows and you have to use that. The only issue now is that a highpoly head that is exported out of CS with Ctrl F4 does not match the ones that racemenu exports, still plugging away.

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If anyone comes looking for this the issue was the brows. High Poly Head supplies it's own mesh for the brows and you have to use that.


Good to know. Thanks for the update!



The only issue now is that a highpoly head that is exported out of CS with Ctrl F4 does not match the ones that racemenu exports, still plugging away.

The CK will always export ugly potato faces. You set up hair and stuff in the CK to make sure the game knows what head parts you want to use. The exported head nif is mainly used to know the correct name of the head in FaceGen data. Basically the head exported from the CK is almost always replaced with a head designed in Racemenu or ECE in the final mod.


That's why you use "Nif Merge" in LE. For SE, the method described in the guide I linked above should work.

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Thanks I ended up sorting it out by starting from scratch and being careful what I imported.

If anyone comes looking the best way to handle the High Poly Head dependency for a follower is to create your ESP and create your actor first. Set the head/brows and export the nif with ctrl-f4. Have a look at it inside nifskope to make sure you're good and then start adding all your custom parts. Check every now and then with a ctrl-f4 export that you haven't introduced anything incompatible.

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