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Argonian raptor feet and underwear?


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i'm using a mod called Unique Everything, and it has a Starter pack which assigns all races it's own mesh, text, skeleton. as it is, it gives all males genitalia. i don't care one way or the other about that, but i'm trying to get raptor feet on the argys. when i do, i either get no textures for the feet claws, or if i use a texture that works for the claws, then there's no texture for the wang. ideally i'd rather just cover it all w/ underwear lol. is there a mesh that'll give undies AND also work w/ raptor feet? and i'd rather stay w/ vanilla textures. didn't care for the chest plates and more scales of others i saw.

oh and the argy's tail is kinda twisted to the left. any ideas on that? thanks

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