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Skyrim - Help me find a mod (vegetation related)


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Somewhere near the end of 2012 I installed a mod for Skyrim which enhanced the vegetation. It seemed to add more trees and especially add more grass and such to the world. Small paths in the wilderness especially seemed more covered in grass and such... I've been trying to find this mod all night, but I can't seem to find it. Please help me find the mod I'm looking for... I have no clue what it was called. Any help would be appreciated.


To narrow down the search, these are not the mods I'm looking for.

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Better Forests and Environments

Lush Trees

Lush Grass

Edited by randy2k6
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perhaps it was one of the enhanced city mods or


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29169/ Better Field Grasses by Stephanie Young


Stephanie Young suggests the mod below to go along with the mod above.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21525 Grass and Grass by MannyGT


that's really all i found in the last 30 mins based on what you've said i hope that helps

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