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Oblivion won't update


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I downloaded the SI 1.2.0416 update for Oblivion, and finally got it to start working (since I have Windows 8, I had to uninstall/reinstall Oblivion to C:/ instead of C:/Bethesda). However, it's been stuck at 0% for the past 15 minutes. What should I do?
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The patches to use are very specific to the game version you are starting out with. If you don't have Shivering Isles installed the SI version of the patch won't work (and if your SI came with the disk Game of the Year version you'll already be patched to 1.2.0416 after it installs SI). Without SI you need to be sure your getting the correct language version (US English version won't work on UK English version and vice versa for example).


If you are planning to install mods you should consider installing the game to somewhere like C:\Games. Here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. Have a look through it and see if you see anything that it suggests that you haven't done.

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