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Game crashes whenever I approach a city


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Also, do you CTD when you approach every city, or just certain ones (which)? What happens when you fast travel? Are there any other patterns to the CTDs (with followers, with a particular follower, while riding, only on foot, etc.)?


Apologies I didn't see this. Well, the CTD's are not just when I approach cities but they are more often then. Example, I cant run around solitude very quickly without constant crashes, I can't play the intro movie at all, as soon as the wagon gets near Helgen and the gates start loading I crash.


I never really read the BOSS log before, going to do all it suggests. Also thinking of adding SkyRe to my list and deleting all saves and starting fresh. Thanks for your advice, will follow up once ive cleaned up and edited the things you and BOSS suggested.

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Well, did all the updates and changes you and boss requested minus Wrye Bash, cant run around solitude at all, crashes almost immediately.

Edit: I forget where I read it but for some reason un-ticking the update esm box seems to add stability to my came. not 100% and maybe im imagining things but....

Edited by Fluffybunnyjin
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Edit: I forget where I read it but for some reason un-ticking the update esm box seems to add stability to my came. not 100% and maybe im imagining things but....


No. That's the official game patch. Don't un-tick it....


Why 'minus Wrye Bash'? Install it and make a Bashed Patch. Don't think about it, just do it. At least this way, you can clearly see if any mods end up erroneously loading after the Bashed Patch when you run BOSS.


Also, look in your Skyrim.ini, and tell me what your 'ugridstoload=' value is. Or better yet, delete your skyrim.ini and skyrimpref.ini, then let the game generate new ones. Then, start a new game (after you Bashed Patch the game), and tell me what happens.

Edited by ripple
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Edit: I forget where I read it but for some reason un-ticking the update esm box seems to add stability to my came. not 100% and maybe im imagining things but....

No. That's the official game patch. Don't un-tick it....


Why 'minus Wrye Bash'? Install it and make a Bashed Patch. Don't think about it, just do it. At least this way, you can clearly see if any mods end up erroneously loading after the Bashed Patch when you run BOSS.


Also, look in your Skyrim.ini, and tell me what your 'ugridstoload=' value is. Or better yet, delete your skyrim.ini and skyrimpref.ini, then let the game generate new ones. Then, start a new game (after you Bashed Patch the game), and tell me what happens.

@Wrye Bash, im new to modding and the instructions scared me.


@Deleting those two ini's, I have to lose my current games that way yeah? Or learn to set them all over again? Will my ENB seetings be lost?


One of my mods, realistic lighting, I don't use, its old iirc. Its not listen in my mods at all but I still see its two boxes in my plug ins (They aren't ticked). I want to remove them but am unsure how.

Do mods like Realistic Lighting Overhauls interefer with ENB's or compliment them?

Would my Flora settings be off? Maybe loading all dem flowers is messing with me.


I'll take another look at how to do a Wrye Bash and see if it still scares me. Lol.

Edited by Fluffybunnyjin
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Not sure if this is new info, but the CTD's seem to happen about 50/50 after any loading screen, and approaching a big area. Still, after everything. Is there a way to save my mods somewhere, and the one save i want, and reinstalling? would that even help? so frustrating.


Once a CTD happens on a load, if i save before hand and keep trying, its to no avail, i will CTD 100% on that load, been stuck many times having to fix it with either a different route to that area, or just going back to an older save and trying again till it works.

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go to breezhome, if possible (any inside cell, shop etc..but small one), to make a clean save»»»save your game no F5 or auto»

then, stop Foot print CAREFULLY, open consol ingame and type this "setstage footprintsQuest 99" if you don't, scripts are still runing in the game even the mods is not there anymore and »»crash, SAVE » EXIT then uncheck Footprint,

PCEA all the esp + go in steamapps/common/skyrim/data/meshes/actor/animation or behaviour (can't recall) and del PCEA file, you don't have any custom race in your LO



load your save game and save again, EXIT, re load, go and check if it's fine now, if yes, go back to breezhome and save last time, exit, you're good to play. If it doesn't work ,do this with a package of 2 or 5 mods untill it works. then re install untill it doesn't, you'll find the bad one :smile: easy


Edited by korun
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