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Improved Morag Tong Armor


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I don't know about anyone else, but I was a little disappointed by the Morag Tong armor they added in Dragonborn. It's not that it looked bad or anything, but it was basically darker Chitin armor they added in the same DLC. It seems just a little bit lazy. I think that the armor could use some small improvements. The over all look is good, but I feel it needs to look more like the Dark Brotherhood armor. If someone could change the hood of the Morag Ting armor to closer resemble the Shrouded Hood that would probably make it a lot more assassin like (hoods fix everything). I was thinking that it should keep the face mask though. The hood is made of a face mask wrapped around the face with goggles and a chitin helmet. I say remove the helmet and change it to the Shrouded Hood while keeping the face mask and goggles. That way not only does it look a little more unique, but it gets rid of the somewhat lame helmet and replaces it with an assassin like hood for an assassin guild. Obviously the hood would have to be changed to match the armor. I also think that there should be a Morag Tong seal (if you don't know it look up Morag Tong on UESP and it is the picture of the article) somewhere on the armor like the shoulder or maybe back. If someone really wanted to go the extra mile you could try and make unique weapons for them too. I have no ideas for that one maybe just a reskin, but it might be kind of cool.
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