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Spell noise right after loading a save


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I think I've had this problem since many months ago, but I always thought it was my shock damage enchant from my sword that was causing it. Every time I load a save there is a swoosh of sound of lightning like my character is charged with lightning or something. And recently fire sound got added to the swooshing and it's very annoying. It doesn't happen when I fast travel or enter different cells, just only after I load a save. When I start new character there's no swoosh. But as I level up and start saving more at some point it starts to pick it up. I've tried uninstalling all mods and load the save, unequip all spells shouts equipments and loading the save, drop everything and loading the save, unfavoriting and unequipping everything and loading the save. Nothing works. Anyone else have same problem and know the cause?
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this happens to me but i dont really care its only once at the start of the game when you load is it really that big of a deal?

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You know you're not supposed to self-bump on this forum, right...?


But yeah, I mean, if it's just a brief thing when you load up, then it's not that big a deal IMO. I have it happen from time to time, just makes me look around a bit. I see it as a touch of realism - save and quit being "sleeping", and loading being "waking up". If you woke up in a cave, you'd look around first thing. :P

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