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Windows 8 Compatibility


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I have Windows 8 now on a new computer. I used to play Oblivion on a Windows 7 computer, with no problems.


Whenever I hit play/launch OBSE_loader, it goes to the initial screen where "Bethesda" appears, but once that completes, it may or may not go to the next screen with the Oblivion symbol and the load bar, but regardless it always crashes. Same thing occurs when I try to run it in WIndows XP compatibility mode. Honestly, I'm very uncertain of what to do next. Suggestions?


I also had to uninstall it and reinstall it outside of Program Files. It's just sitting in the C:/ -- should I reinstall it somewhere else?

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C:\Games is the most common choice (once created you can use that folder to install all your future games). Use Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guideline. Don't miss the link near the top about moving your Steam install location if you use the Steam version of the game and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.
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