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In a fight...


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I wasn't sure as to what subject this belongs under but.... Okay, someone asks In a fight...This race or that race? In this location....This place. Then someone (or multiple people if it is debatable)


In a fight...Wood Elf or Dark Elf? In this location...Tilamoniquera. Some random aylied ruin with a long, wide hall, say 1000 feet long, and 300 wide. With two large square groups of collumns near the center. Plenty



The dungeon has a bunch of ruined pedastals, casks, reliquaries, slabs, hunks of the ceiling etc. laying around providing excellent cover. There are few lighted areas and the darkness is great and pervading. Now tell me In a fight will it be the Wood Elf or the Dark Elf in Tilamoniquera?


<Note>I randomly came up with the name Tilamoniquera, i have no clue if that's the name of some aylied dungeon or not.

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I'd give it to the Dark Elf. They're inherently more competent fighters; stronger, and better with a sword. Even with superior stealth, a Wood Elf would have trouble bringing their Marksmanship advantage to use with all the cover. The Wood Elf might be able to pull off a sneak attack, but it seems unlikely. Especially if the Dark Elf's Mysticism bonus translates into Detect Life.
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hm, darkness all around, yet excellent cover for vantage points from archers... However ultimately, if this was occurring in a 100 feet long hall way, the dark elf would favorably win under the elements of surprise and close quarters combat, dark elves are just too sly and unpredictable, not too mention they can see fairly well in the dark "the real barenziah".
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I think you're all underestimating the strength of a wood elf. Sure, I'd admit at first glace the dark elf would seem the better choice. But I think in the conditions described that the wood elf would be able to find and shoot and kill the dark elf before they even got a chance to find them. (This assuming they have weapons)


Maybe the wood elf would not win, but I think they'd put up a good enough fight at least. :P

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I'd give it to the wood elf, Wood elves are good swordsman. That is if you build them that way. Give the Wood Elf a shortsword or a dagger, plus Speed and strength upgrades and a decent blade skill level, and they could take on a Dark Elf with similar characteristics.


The Wood Elf is also smaller, that makes it easier for him to dodge.

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night eye evens up any advantage a dark elf has over any other race.

Just like Detect Life removes any advantage the Wood Elf had in stealth.


Wood elves are good swordsman. That is if you build them that way. Give the Wood Elf a shortsword or a dagger, plus Speed and strength upgrades and a decent blade skill level, and they could take on a Dark Elf with similar characteristics.
So long as they start with equal Intelligence and Endurance, anyone can take on anyone on equal footing once they're leveled, so size would be the only thing that counts at all, which has always been negligible to me. As long as it still matters, the Dark Elf will have an inherent advantage in strength (but have equally less Agility) and melee weapons.
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I think you're all underestimating the strength of a wood elf. Sure, I'd admit at first glace the dark elf would seem the better choice. But I think in the conditions described that the wood elf would be able to find and shoot and kill the dark elf before they even got a chance to find them. (This assuming they have weapons)


Maybe the wood elf would not win, but I think they'd put up a good enough fight at least. :P


Those were my thoughts, few people EVER play with wood elves, I used to be the same way but since my first wood elf character I've almost solely played them and find that they are excellent stealth fighters and would win in almost any stealth battle, now in broad daylight.....

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