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Dialouge help


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I'm... okay... with the G.E.C.K and am trying to make a mod where almost all NPCs will have the dialogue option 'Stare Intensely' which when selected will kill the NPC and light them on fire.


But i can't seem to find out a way to create a new diaglouge entry so I haven't even started yet. Someone wanna give a rundown on how to add dialogue to Fallout 3 with the GECK. I have limited skill but have made about 7 very minor mods so as long as you describe what to do from the root menu I'll be fine.

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Dialogue is a bit complicated to explain but I'll try my best.


All dialogue is handled through quests. Some quests in game are marked by 'dialogue' in their name, those are the ones you want to use. Now, the simple way is pick any of the Dialogue quests and simply add a new topic, then, as a result script set up a script to kill them.


Here's a better step by step.


Go the Actor Data -> Quests and open up any dialogue quest. Then, click on the Topics tab near the drop. From there right click in the LEFT window and select NewTopic, give it some kind of ID name that you'll remember. From there, click on the new topic to make it active (if it isn't already) and where it says Topic Text change that to what you want the player to see when clicking on it.


Then, in the box below you'll need some kind of response, even if it is just '...' to add a response you simply right click in the window below Topic Text and then click on new and type in your desired response.


As for killing the chosen NPC I have to admit I'm not entirely sure. I've never worked with result scripts in dialogue very much aside from setting variables or stages for a quest. Sorry mate.

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Are you sure it allows you to make new topics? I've tried doing that, but so far it only allows me to select existing topics and rename them.


At any rate, be sure that you select GetIsID and name a specific NPC for each topic you use or you'll accidentally create a global topic. Oh, and to make conversation trees, be sure to add subsequent topics in the Choices section and uncheck the "Top-level" box at the top -- otherwise you'll just have all your dialogue options out in front.


Don't worry -- it's confusing as hell for everyone at first, but after bashing your head against the wall for a couple hours, you'll get the hang of it.

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Creating new topics is possible. When it shows existing topics, right-click and select new (again).

I've done some new topics thus far, work like they should.


Be wary of copying dialogue lines -- even if you move them to new topics or quests some garbage remains behind. I use FO3Edit to strip these remnants as the GECK won't allow you to (a deleted topic is not actually deleted, but marked DELETED -- even if it is new content not in the base game).

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All right, I'll try to give a basic walkthrough, since it's pretty complicated...


1. Go to the Quest section. Right click and select "New".

2. Fill in the quest name and ID, blah blah blah, set it to priority 50 (I don't think it really matters as long as it's in increments of 10 and is from 10 to 100), make sure you check the box that says "Start Game Enabled".

3. Click OK.

4. Open your quest again and go to the Topics tab and right click in the left field. Select "add topic".

5. Right click on the menu that comes up and select "new". Enter a name you can remember for your topic. Hit OK.

6. Type in the Topic Text box what you want the start of dialogue to be.

7. Right click on the field below that and hit New.

8. Fill in the response text (what the NPC will say back to you) and select any idle animations you want to use, or go to Emotions Type and select what mood the NPC will look like they're in when their response is shown. Click OK.

9. Go to the conditions field and select New. Select GetIsID -- it should be the first one that comes up when you open the field. Click on the button that says INVALID and select which NPC you want to target (hint: it's the NPC whose dialogue you're writing). Click OK.

10. That's it for simple interactions. If you want to add further chunks of dialogue, repeat steps 4 through 9, but in the topic that you just made, go to the Choices field and select Add Topic. Find the topic title of the next string of dialogue that you're going to use and hit OK. It helps if you name a bunch of topics beforehand in step 4 so you don't get confused. Name them something like "Dialogue 1, Dialogue 2, etc." so you can quickly pick them out of the long list of topics. It's important, however, that if you're adding further topics to a particular dialogue tree, you uncheck the box at the top that says "Top-level" -- this is only for topics that will be displayed when you first talk to the NPC.

11. If you want your topic to end a conversation, click on the box that says "Goodbye". Otherwise, it'll take you back to the main dialogue menu when you're talking to an NPC.

12. If you only want the conversation to be said once, select the "Say Once" box. Otherwise, your topics will come up repeatedly.

13. Go to the dialogue tree to make sure your conversations are where they should be. If they're not, DO NOT edit them in the dialogue tree. Go back to the Topics tab and edit them there (trying to edit them in the dialogue tree causes the GECK to crash for some reason).

14. Click OK at the bottom right corner of the window.

15. Save your mod.


It should work after that. If it doesn't, go back and make sure you didn't miss any steps. Adding dialogue is meticulous work and it's easy to get lost.


Hope that helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having trouble getting topic options to show up when talking. The NPC will either have all the topics listed or none at all. What I am trying to figure out is to layer the conversation. If you ask a question, it leads to something else. Anyone have any luck with this yet?




I'm a damn idiot. This whole time I never noticed the "choices" option to the lower right side. I was too busy looking at other peoples dialog looking for clues. I tried thinking of characters that had menu type topics - Dad. There it was.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing that i have found or at least for me, since i went word for word by your list; and had no problem creating a new NPC with a generic voice type. However, when i was creating one with the FemaleUniqueAmata Voice (making a new Amata for my Vault) all i got was a blank dialog box; but when i added the generic GREETING topic into her dialog it miraculously worked.


So my contribution is to say if you are pulling your hair out (i kept each strand in a jar on my desk) cause all you are getting is a blank dialog box, just add the generic "GREETING" (but don't add the GETISID, or you will mess it up for other characters in the world) and it should work fine.

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