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Mod translations really necessary?


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Are mod translations really necessary? Even then, why are they in the same category as the actual armors - If translations are allowed, why not make a new category for it? If someone actually wants a translation they can search for them there.


Browsing through the categories is made incredibly tedious by the numerous translations of mods, especially armors. Why is it even necessary to translate armor mods where the only translatable text is the name of the armor? It seems like at least 25% of all armor mods are just translated armor names.

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You can avoid translations by going to the Nexus main page and clicking your username and then "Blocked Content". There you can select whatever it is you do not want to see (such as various languages) amongst other things.
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Why is it even necessary to translate armor mods


Because not everybody speaks (or reads) English. Would you know what armour this is?


Броня Божественного Крестоносца


No, I didn't think so.



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