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Shut The Hell Up, Arngeir!


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I'm sure I can't be the only person who has come across this particular annoyance, but I have yet to be able to find a solution. If the answer already exists, I can't seem to find the proper search terms to locate it, either on the Nexus or with Google in general.


Why do all the scenes in High Hrothgar take so damned long?! It's all well and good with dramatic timing and pacing and whatnot, but oh my god they never shut up. Even if you skip through all the dialogue at maximum speed, you still have to stand around for several minutes just waiting for people to walk to and 'fro, and then stop for scripted pauses. You have to wait for your shouts to refresh, for them to put up a new dummy when testing new levels of shouts, for them to demonstrate the whirlwind sprint shout, for them to teach me new words, to absorb their knowledge of the shouts..


There are so many scripted pauses and so much boring conversation on High Hrothgar that I think I've gotten past it maybe five times out of fifty games I've started since I got the game.


I don't mind having to run and go fail to find the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller every single time I go there, but I do mind having to stand around while the Greybeards leisurely stroll out down to greet me, and then stroll out the door to the courtyard to demonstrate some shouts. It's infuriating and tedious and I realized recently that it really stops me from enjoying the main quest because starting it up is just such an incredible pain as I can't at all stand the greybeards and their slothful ways.


Does a solution exist for this? A dialogue mod, or even just some mod that utterly truncates those sections? I've seen it enough times to remember it, I'd be entirely satisfied if I arrived at High Hrothgar, and then five seconds later my journal was updated with the quest to go get the horn and the shouts appeared as if I had gone through the whole sequence.


If such a mod doesn't already exist, I don't suppose anyone would be interested in making it?


Edit: Oh, and I apologize if this belongs in the Mod Detectives thread. It was ambiguous to me whether or not that thread was for mods that we know exist (as I seem to recall from Morrowind years ago) or for any mod that may or may not exist, so I decided to just make a new topic on it.

Edited by Jiopaba
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Totally agree. I hate these scripted events. There should be an options saying "I have already beaten every questline in skyrim" that disables tutorials, and scripted pauses. I don't really understand how that would be done, but it sounds simple enough.


So far actually, I've figured out a series of console commands that 'should' be able to get me close to the desired effect.


After I get the supplies from Klimmek and drop them off, I'm going to walk into High Hrothgar, and use my Player-Shouting to open the console and say:


Setstage MQ105 160

UnlockWord 13e23

UnlockWord 2F766

Player.Modav dragonsouls 2


Then I'll unlock Ro and Wuld with the two dragonsouls, and turn right around and walk out.


If it works I suppose I'll whip myself up a reference sheet for the few other places that are super duper tedious, but this is the main one that really really stood out.


For whatever reason I just never really mind listening to Jarl Balgruuf talk about stuff.

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  • 5 months later...

I've tried coding past portions of the MQ because after a few plays it is outright tedious. What moron at Bethesda did not think to allow us to use a button or key to fast forward through this crap? It ruins the game. I end up blowing the main quest parts and doing all sorts of other things then going and suffering through one then going and doing a bunch of other things. I actually do main quest parts whenever I feel like getting them out of the way. I don't even pay attention through half of them.


Here's how I do it now:


start with a save I made that starts just before character creation. My speedmult is high so as soon as I get up and run I jump to the roof and race past the dragon, ignore everything to get to the keep then race through helgen portion. keep racing to riverwood because once you hit a certain spot outside helgen the riverwood option appears. You dont' actually have to talk to hadvar or ralof. So I stop at riverwood and talk to whomever. Then go to bleak falls right across river wood up the hill. Maybe explore a little. Clear some areas.


Then I go to whiterun. Sometimes I take the carriage to all the towns before then. No rush on it. That dragon doesn't come until I hand in my dragonstone.


Hand in the dragon stone. boring blah blah go kll the dragon then back to the jarl, race through the conversation, buy the house. Hit the road. I've played for hours before even getting to HH with the boring slow old men. I have found that I cannot code through that. I am stuck listening to them. If I code it screws up the next part of the quest because they are stuck wanting you to shout or learn a word. I can never code past them as of yet, but I am going to try to see what short cuts I can come up with by doing a straight line throug the main quests in my current game.


I do code through Delphine dragging me into the basement. The minute she gives me the horn and says we have to talk I type in setstage mq106 50 --- that's the code to never go to the secret room with her. It triggers kynesgrove which take forever to get to after that. Too busy in the holds.


When it's time to get esbern - leave the room instead of waiting for him to get his junk together. He follows! Just go and he doesn't waste time in the place. I think it triggers him to move.


Once he is in the room where alduins wall is you can skip that as well with no issues. He is where he is supposed to be. So you don't have to listen to anything. I code out of that the second they are both where the wall is - setstage mq203 280 --- then I am free from that part.


ALWAYS do the war before having to do season unending (or needing to catch the dragon) because then you don't have to do that tedious nightmare negotiation and get yelled at by Tullius, Angier and Ulfric for being forced to follow a stupid script with no choices. Do the war first, finish it and you never even have to deal with any of it. YAY!


When doing the war, if you are an imperial you can save time with the traveling axe crap by coding out of that too. The minute you get the axe from Balgruf in whiterun and finish that conversation head out of the door then type setstage cw03 100 and turn around and go back in to find the whole stage is set for battle for whiterun. There is probably a similar code for what to do if you are a stormcloak.


Once I get the clear skies shout I blow through the rest of the main quest so it's over. I never talk to the greybeards again. I dont' see the blades. I fast travel after a quick conversation with parthy on the mountain because I am done with that part. Dragons are still around but they aren't a pain. hoding off on kynesgrove also keeps them limited as I have discovered. Each part of the main quest triggers more dragons. So if you want less, blow through it after kynesgrove as much as possible. If you want more, do kynesgrove and then do other stuff. Kynesgrove seems to trigger more dragons for me.

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