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Uninstalled OBGE - Now can't load a save without crash


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  On 2/11/2013 at 4:36 AM, talveren said:

Alright, I'll post these images as I finish them.


This image is for the shaders folder before OBGE is installed.

After you remove OBGE, you should have these files at approximately the same size as I do.

I believe the Date Modified shown in this screenshot is from the last time I re-installed Oblivion.





The following image is for the OBSE plugins folder. Once you've uninstalled OBGE, the OBGEv2.dll should be missing.




These are the textures added by the CORE. These shouldn't cause your game to crash on load whether or not they are present.


I matched the folders there and I still have the same issue. Looks like there might be no hope other than reinstalling and seeing if it works, unless you have any other suggestions?


I do appreciate the effort regardless though, thank you.


Also to add another detail that will probably be relevant, when the game crashes I don't get any sort of error dialog box, and nothing is listed in the event viewer at all. I load up the game and click continue or any other save, I see the load screen and then the desktop. The only difference with clicking new game is I get the load screen, the loading bar swiftly fills and then the desktop. No sounds, dialogs or anything, just instantly desktop.

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Well, I haven't had a chance yet to do stand alone effects and liquid water, but yeah, it does sound like you'll have to re-install. Bben46 has a pretty good write up on how to do that including the registry entries. Bethesda's uninstaller isn't clean. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Oblivion_reinstall_procedure


I suggest you use Wrye Bash to do your mod installs when you get to that point. It will help with avoiding this problem in the future because you shouldn't have to remove files and folders by hand.

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Also to add another detail that will probably be relevant, when the game crashes I don't get any sort of error dialog box, and nothing is listed in the event viewer at all. I load up the game and click continue or any other save, I see the load screen and then the desktop. The only difference with clicking new game is I get the load screen, the loading bar swiftly fills and then the desktop. No sounds, dialogs or anything, just instantly desktop.


It really sounds like something similar to messing up the HUD, an esm or an incorrect load order with a bashed patch or something else entirely.

If you don't want to re-install yet, you can look through some of the troubleshooting guides and look for ideas. Bben46's guide is a good start. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4871416/1/


Did you try disabling your mods and starting a new game?

Edited by talveren
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  On 2/13/2013 at 3:43 AM, talveren said:

Well, I haven't had a chance yet to do stand alone effects and liquid water, but yeah, it does sound like you'll have to re-install. Bben46 has a pretty good write up on how to do that including the registry entries. Bethesda's uninstaller isn't clean. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Oblivion_reinstall_procedure


I suggest you use Wrye Bash to do your mod installs when you get to that point. It will help with avoiding this problem in the future because you shouldn't have to remove files and folders by hand.

Well if any of those files could cause this problem it will be worth taking a look, I had assumed you were finished. I have nothing to lose giving it a shot, and in fact my sneaking suspicion before was that liquid water was involved because if I remember correctly that was the last thing I removed, but that is no guarentee.


As for mods I haven't touched anything other than rebuilding the bashed patch and running BOSS just to be safe. I'll add that to my troubleshooting list as well.

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Ok, I'll do liquid water when I have some time today and post that and then stand alone effects.


A couple more things to look at as well are:

When you rebuilt your bashed patch, did you sort the mods before or after? You need to sort it before you build the bashed patch.

Also, you might want to rebuild it again and make sure that none of the OBGE .esp's are included anywhere in the Bashed Patch. As an example, this is how I did one of mine.


If, for example, the Bashed Patch still has a reference to OBGE - Liquid Water.esp, then you'll get a crash on load if that esp isn't there.



At this point, what you have to lose is time. If your install has as many mods as mine, it takes quite a while to get everything back up. However, finding the cause of your problem is also going to take a while.

Edited by talveren
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  On 2/13/2013 at 11:33 AM, talveren said:

Ok, I'll do liquid water when I have some time today and post that and then stand alone effects.


A couple more things to look at as well are:

When you rebuilt your bashed patch, did you sort the mods before or after? You need to sort it before you build the bashed patch.

Also, you might want to rebuild it again and make sure that none of the OBGE .esp's are included anywhere in the Bashed Patch. As an example, this is how I did one of mine.


If, for example, the Bashed Patch still has a reference to OBGE - Liquid Water.esp, then you'll get a crash on load if that esp isn't there.



At this point, what you have to lose is time. If your install has as many mods as mine, it takes quite a while to get everything back up. However, finding the cause of your problem is also going to take a while.

Well the crash started when I first deleted all the files, and I didn't change the order at all or do anything with the patch. I assumed if the order was correct before it wouldn't change with some deleted files. Then I did redo the patch to see if that was an issue, then I reinstalled OBGE and all the plugins I had to exactly the way it was before and still crash, so now I'm removing it for a second time using your directions. I'll check the patch as well. :smile:


Also I don't have that many mods installed, it just appears that way because of official dlc and all the MMM and BC files.

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Here are the Liquid Water shots. The shaders should be the same as from my previous post. Once you've removed liquid water, you should be left with these. http://i.imgur.com/BIjpbga.png


There are two sets of textures that get installed. One set goes into Data\Textures\Effects.

What you should have left after you remove liquid water is this:



The other set goes into Data\Textures\Water.


Here's my shot. Note: this shot from my backup without Liquid water shows an alternativelavaX.dds. That file was added by the Real Lava mod. If you don't have a lava mod, this texture should be missing from your folder once you've uninstalled Liquid Water.





The last part is the OBGE - Liquid Water.esp itself. That one should obviously be removed when you've finished uninstalling.

Edited by talveren
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Here are the Stand Alone effects shots. The shaders should be the same as from my previous post. Once you've removed Stand Alone effects, you should be left with these. http://i.imgur.com/BIjpbga.png


There are four sets of textures that get installed. One set goes into Data\Textures\Effects.
What you should have left after you remove Stand Alone effects is this:


The file in Data\Textures\menus\icons\COBL\OptionIcon.dds should still be there when you're done. It does get overwritten by Stand Alone Effects. You should be able to tell from the Modification date/time whether the file in your folder is the one from Stand Alone Effects or the original. Note: These files are the same size, so it's entirely possible that the only thing that really changed was the file name.




If you installed the sunglare fix for godrays, then once you've removed Stand Alone effects, the sunglare.dds texture should be missing from Data\Textures\Sky




The Data\Textures\ssao folder is added by stand alone effects. It should be missing once you've uninstalled Stand Alone effects.


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I've been looking through those folders and making sure they match up, still to no avail. But as an update, and something that seems to change everything, I just installed Nehrim, and after setting that up it ends up having the exact same crashing problem that Oblivion has. This makes me think that my computer is the issue, unless you can't safely install Nehrim when you have an already modded Oblivion. The only thing I can think of to change it up is to completely remove oblivion using the guide and starting all over again, if I want to use my old Oblivion saves that would just involve installing all the same mods (Which I still have) But installing Nehrim first in case it takes some mod files by mistake, that's all I can really think of.

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Sorry we couldn't get it fixed. Like I said before, when you start installing mods again use the Wrye Bash installer to do it. It keeps track of what files go where and when you want to uninstall something, it will remove and usually replace the correct files. Sometimes you do still have to edit things like the .ini file or (if you're like me and mess with your HUD a lot) the .xml files.


I also have taken to using a utility called Multiple Oblivion Manager which will essentially copy an install and the files needed to go with it. I use it when I'm going to do major tweaking to make a backup so that I can regress if something goes horribly wrong.

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