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Internet Filtering In Australia


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Not sure if it would help in this case, but I have used Peerguardian 2 to prevent a lot of the filtering and unknown tracking IPs going through your computer...

This is something totally different. IP filters on part of the individual, to control who has the ability to send them information are really only effective at preventing unwanted attacks from static sources. As far as preventing government or private agencies from knowing what you are stealing, it's practically useless. This is because those agencies know about IP blocking, and change their IPs, or rotate IPs so that they stay ahead of attempts to block them. And as the lists of IPs get updated only a few times a month, even if you have up to date lists, you will likely only be blocking IPs of less powerful agencies, or those IPs which were at one time used by those agencies. For illegal activity, peer guardian 2 is more of a false sense of security than anything preventitive. It does however help limit what government and private agencies have the ability to look at your net usage, slightly. But again, this only applies to p2p traffic, and not normal net usage. If you are doing something really bad, rest assured, your ISP has a record of it.


In this case, it doesn't change anything. What is being suggested is that ALL sites which are determined to be unappropiate will be blocked by the ISP. This means that NOTHING you can do will allow you go to these sites. Think of it as a sort of online brownout. There will be whole portions of the net that you will be unable to access, regardless what your reasons for wanting access are. It is not something they are even going to bother to police since every ISP in the country would need to comply with these rules. Which means that trying to keep yourself hidden from government agencies won't mean anything since you won't be able to even connect to those places you want to go.

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I have read about VDN programs that mask your activities and can make it appear as if your actually in another country. Will that be effective?

According to some gaming sites and forums where I've been reading about the filtering, people are suggesting this is the way to go.


I suppose this is the same thing you're talking about Vagrant0.


It's legal as far as I can determine, but like you said they will already know about those. BUT what really gets me is there has been no mention of email or IM monitoring and we all know files can be sent that way. They are probably already doing it. We wouldn't even know.


Proxy servers won't help in the long run. They will be overwhelmed with traffic and constantly have to move around which will be just as painful.


I imagine though even if something like VDN does work any sites and forums that I go to frequently, like Tesnexus for example, would see I have a different IP (?) than I should have according to membership. Wouldn't that cause issues as well?


I'm only using Tesnexus as an example. Heaven forbid it gets blocked for adult content, then I'll be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. It's the first site I go to when I load Firefox for the day.

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Although I'm a U.S. bloke, meaning I wont be able to properly keep track of this, but my guess is that people will crack the Australian Internet Filter, just as people cracked the Spore Digital Rights Management Program and so on.

It's not a client based thing... It's a government institutionalized mandate of all ISPs registered within that country. Meaning that unless you hack the ISP, and open those addresses, thus commiting a VERY serious and traceable crime, there is no way to bypass it if you use an Australian ISP.


If anything would be done to get around the issue, it would have to be people buying and maintaining the equipment to become their own ISP, but even then, although it is for their own personal use, they likely would need to abide by the rules. The only other way around this might be for those living in south eastern Australia, who could maybe use a Tasmanian, satallite based ISP... But I don't even think there is such a thing, and it would probably be illegal to do in its own right.


It's not some minor issue that can just be ignored. This is an attack on the little net freedom that exists.

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I live in Australia, I've heard of this and I'm 100% opposed to the whole idea!!!


You and me both!!


People in the UK and the USA beware. Check this news report from the US a couple of days ago.




It's spreading and really needs to be stopped before it gets out of hand. Unfortunately there's not a lot the general public can do but protest and send letters and emails to their Govt representatives.


The ISP's will suffer from this when people start going elsewhere or downgrading their Internet plans. What's the point of paying $A60.00 a month for a 1500Kb connection when it's filtered and censored. That's what I'm paying at the moment and I can't get out of my contract without a hefty fee.

Maybe they will have a voice in what happens next since it will hurt them business wise.


I wonder why it's not on the television news. Have they been silenced? I don't get newspapers since I get all my news from the Net or TV and it's probably been buried among the pages there too if it's even been written about.

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It's just about control.

Pretty much all it is.

There's a plot here in the States with the RIAA that has them paying ISPs to shut down the accounts of frequent torrent users, basically banning them from home internet access. wheeee :confused:


Remember, the 'net was originally a military application. It is only through the grace of our overlords that you have access to it now. It was intended solely for superiority in BM/C3 applications, so perhaps access was granted to the general public as a way to control us. And gather information. Seeing as how every single thing you've done online is stored somewhere, just waiting to be used against you.

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It's just about control.

Pretty much all it is.

There's a plot here in the States with the RIAA that has them paying ISPs to shut down the accounts of frequent torrent users, basically banning them from home internet access. wheeee :confused:


Remember, the 'net was originally a military application. It is only through the grace of our overlords that you have access to it now. It was intended solely for superiority in BM/C3 applications, so perhaps access was granted to the general public as a way to control us. And gather information. Seeing as how every single thing you've done online is stored somewhere, just waiting to be used against you.

Wow, and again, you're totally wrong...


ISPs shut down the accounts of torrent users because those users are BREAKING THE LAW. It has nothing to do with any sort of silly conspiracy. It's legality, plain and simple. You download a copywriten file and get caught by one of the agencies who are being paid to protect that copyright, that agency notifies your ISP, then your ISP notifies you. Your ISP MUST do something because of your actions, or else they, themselves, will be held on charges for allowing the activity (same for schools).


The internet is not a millitary application, or atleast hasn't been for quite awhile now. It started off as a means of allowing one research lab have direct, and instantanious contact with other labs, and as a means of sharing information, both text and files, between the labs. The internet happened because some of those students and researchers using it realized the potential of such a thing as a learning tool, since at the time few private households had computers. The internet itself did not become what it is today until technology was able to advance enough for faster connections, and search engines (developed by private companies) were developed. Although I'm not too sure on the specifics of the history thing, I am certain that it is not some part of some conspiracy of spying on people. First off, when you sign with an ISP, there is a standard privacy agreement, where the ISP will not release record of internet activity unless a court ordered warrent is given. And that is a constitutional right, atleast in the US. So the only ones who have access to hat information, unless you have comitted a crime, is your ISP, and they're too understaffed to really give a poo who is doing what half the time. Regardless, much of the control over the internet has been released to private groups, and any sort of conspiracy theory kinda falls apart when you considder how many people post mindless garbage on youtube. Seriously, the Greys have even stopped probing us, and just surf youtube at this point.

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Hmm interesting topic , since i am an Aussie i am also against it , not in principle but in practicality ( like some liked minded people ) . Even if ( I'm pretty sure someone might have mentioned this point before ) a Child Porn site is blocked or shutdown another one will always pop-up Government Filter or not and of course the REAL[\b] concern why stop there


and this when 1984 nonsense comes in. I've read the book and written two big Essays about it and I'm sick of the conspiracies. :wallbash:


My 2 cents :unsure:

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