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Citadel / Escort Lin quest problem


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I'm on the Escort Lin to the Citadel quest and game keeps crashing when I'm about 10m away from entering the Citadel door after the big gate opens up. Enclave and Ghouls are all dead, everybody else walks right into the Citadel no worries.


Have many mods installed, but have tried it with zero mods active and it still crashes.


Tried the MoveToQT console code thinking it would put me inside the Citadel - damn thing drops me inside some rubble just outside the entrance - about same place it crashes except now I'm embedded in the wall - and sure enough on the map the Quest Marker is buried in the wall outside of the entrance.


Tried the TCL command so I could walk-through the wall to the door and enter Citadel - that works, works if embedded in wall from using MoveToQT or if I use TCL to walk around the 'crash zone' to go through the wall to reach the door.


This gets me inside but nothing happens - Li and the others are just standing there, can talk to Lyons and everybody else (get nothing but background story crap or 'follow me/wait here' topics), the music is still looping that 'Enclave is gonna kick your a$$' music and Li keeps shouting "We've got to move!"


It has to be something about that outside trigger, because when I try to leave the Citadel it crashes just as I reach the two guards outside.


I looked through the quest scripts using GECK - If I can advance the quest stage to 100 the music will stop looping and it should finish the quest or at least complete the Escort objective.. What is the Quest ID for the Escort mission, scripts refer to it as MQ05 but that's not a valid reference for the command.


GetQuestCompleted / GetQuestComplete / GetQC (Complete Current Quest / Complete all quest items) don't seem to work either.


Only thing I can think of is Gaaza is dead - apparently there's supposed to be some sideline quest/dialogue where you choose to leave him behind - never got that option, I think he got capped by the Enclave (or it mighta been me, big firefight :D)


There's a command in DoctorLiScript

short CitadelForceGreet	;flag set for talking to player once we've reached the Citadel.

That never happened and the next set of commands never activated either, she just walked straight to the Citadel Guard & Intercom, talked, the gate opened and they walked in. After that she just stands inside doing nothing.

;After exiting Taft Tunnel, Doctor Li steps up and talks first to the player, then the Citadel Guard, then to the BoS intercom
if ( GetStage MQ05 >= 85 )
	if ( MQ05.LiEnd == 0 )
		if ( DoctorLiRef.GetDistance MQ05LiEndMarker < 700 )
			if ( Player.GetDistance MQ05LiEndMarker < 800 )
				Set MQ05.LiEnd to 2
				DoctorLiRef.SayTo Player MQ05LiEndSpeech
	elseif ( MQ05.LiEnd == 2 )
		if ( DoctorLiRef.GetDistance MQ05LiCitadelIntercomMarker < 200 )
			Set MQ05.LiEnd to 3
			DoctorLiRef.Sayto CitadelBOSGuardRef1 MQ05LiEndSpeech 

;var is updated to 4 in Doctor Li's script when this line ends, and then to 5 in guard's response results (called from Doctor Li's script)

	elseif ( MQ05.LiEnd == 5 )
		set MQ05.LiEnd to 6

;Once Li is done talking to Lyons in MQ06, have her forcegreet the player

;	if ( GetStage MQ06 < 10 )
;		if ( CitadelForceGreet == 0 )
;			if ( MQ06.LiConv == -1 )
;				if ( ElderLyonsRef.GetCurrentAIProcedure != 4 )
;					if ( ElderLyonsRef.GetCurrentAIProcedure != 43 )
;						Set CitadelForceGreet to 1
;						EVP
;					endif
;				endif
;			endif
;		endif
;	endif



- help plz, my game is stuck at this point and that damn music is getting annoying!

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