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Vortex application interface unresponsive/ freezes after 1st use (1.3.8)


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I'm using Vortex version 1.3.8 with 179 mods, using Windows 10, x64 with 32gb RAM. I only have Fallout 4 installed (updated/ current)

I receive no error message but the interface freezes or becomes unresponsive after 1st use, thereafter, I can still minimise the app and close the app, but cannot click on anything in the interface, i.e. play button for FO4SE or the FO game, if I wanted to play a second time.

This occurs after exiting FO4 normally or leaving vortex to run without doing anything.

To be fair it has only started happening after the last Vortex update I received.

I've attached a screenshot from about section pertaining to version.

Any thoughts/ help?



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How long have you waited to see if it becomes responsive again.

Theoretically, if Fallout 4 requires all your memory, other applications like Vortex would have to be swapped out to disk and then it may take a while before they react again. Although admittedly, filling up 32GB of ram with fallout 4, even with mods, would be quite the feat...


The other thing I can imagine is that it might be GPU/driver related. Vortex by default uses gpu acceleration to provide a smoother ui experience, maybe causes problems in your case. You could try disabling gpu acceleration in settings->interface (don't forget to restart Vortex) and see if the problem persists.


Finally, the log file may be useful, although I kind of doubt it. (When you send a feedback from Vortex there is a button to attach the log)

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