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Stuck in Skyrim


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I just need your help.


I have filled my soul trap weapon with a gem. Then I absorbed a few souls. But then absorbing seems stacked and there's no effect anymore. (Have all types of soul gems) ... Skyrim gets more stucked. I can't go with quest items to appropriate NPCs, can't pick up nirn roots, absorb dragon souls, learn words from the walls, can't activate standing stones ... game is so flooded and it crashes really fast...


It happened to me three times ago. But solving was really easy: I have closed the game and ran it again. Then the effect of soul trap has appeared and I absorbed 20+- souls in one moment...and collected nirnroots has been added to my inventory, I could complete quests...


But now I can't do anything ... Reload does not help. I'm still stucked in Skyrim... can't do anything...


Please help me


There's no problem on my other saved character, just this one... can't get it

Edited by Pajin
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