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Issue that has me stumped


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Hi all,


Like I have said in other post im still in the process of modding my game fixing issues as I go. I have stumble on an neck seam issue that has stumped me. I had search some forums about this issue but most are simple textures or mesh error which doesn't seem to apply to me.


A little about this issue, the neck seam has no discoloration the body and face have the same color which means its using the right textures, the problem is that there's a gap in the neck when naked and only happens to some females. In my testing I've noticed that it's usually happening with small weighted females, but not all, high weighted are fine, so I re-created my meshes but the issue persist. I have checked, double checked and triple checked the meshes and textures but I don't see any issues. I also went through xEdit an checked and triple checked the Textures, Arma, armo, face(something), npc, race; nothing everything looks correct.


So decided to create this post in case I'm forgetting something, thought about re-creating facegen but the cases look fine there are no blackface or un-modded face just that gap on the neck. If anyone has any suggestions that can point me on the right direction, I'll be very grateful.




Update. Tried re-creating facegen and trying other skeletons to no avail, I'm still stumped.

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Neck gaps are usually caused by conflicting weight data.


There are basically four scenarios:


1. Change of Skeleton or Race. Both are rather unlikely. Normally, almost everyone uses XPMSSE skeleton. Race changes don't happen randomly.


2. Error by mod author: If the weight of a modded NPC was set to a different value than the weight that was used when creating a Racemenu or ECE preset for the head, gaps can occur. Hard to fix as a mod user - there's no way of knowing what values were used for the head preset. You can try to change the weight in the CK, but it's trial and error...


3. Mod conflicts (rather unlikely): If a mod overwrites the weight (and not the FaceGen data) of an NPC, results are basically the same as in 2. You can track down conflicts like these with SSEEdit: Load all your plugins in SSEEdit, then search for the "problematic" actors. See, what mods change them. Then adjust your load order accordingly or create a patch.


4. Probably most likely: Conflicting weight data baked into your save. NPC weights can get stored in save games. If the game has recorded e.g. a weight of 60 for a certain NPC and now you install a mod (e.g. an NPC replacer), that assigns this NPC a weight of 30, you can get neck gaps.


Your best bet in this scenario are the CK (or SSEEdit) and the console. Look up in the CK or SSEEdit, what weight the NPC in question should have. When in game, open the console. Target the "problematic" NPC and use the console command "setnpcweight" (e.g. setnpcweight 60). The face may get distorted during this procedure. Don't worry. Save anyway. On the next load, the NPC should be okay.


So much for the background: You see - it's (mostly) all about weight. Re-exporting FaceGen data won't help, neither will creating a new body in Bodyslide.


To narrow down the problem, I'd recommend a test:


Start a new game, check the NPCs in question. If they are okay in a new game, it's scenario 4, If the gaps also occur in a new game, it's probably either 2. or 3. NExt step would be to check in SSEEDit which mods make changes to the NPC with the neck gap.

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the mod Lazy Tools can help to find whether it's a weight issue (which I suspect too) and even "in situ" solve it. Lazy tools allows the player to target an NPC and change certain basic body characteristics, including body weight.

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the mod Lazy Tools can help to find whether it's a weight issue (which I suspect too) and even "in situ" solve it. Lazy tools allows the player to target an NPC and change certain basic body characteristics, including body weight.

Good point. :cool:


Would make things much easier than tinkering with the console...

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the mod Lazy Tools can help to find whether it's a weight issue (which I suspect too) and even "in situ" solve it. Lazy tools allows the player to target an NPC and change certain basic body characteristics, including body weight.

Good point. :cool:


Would make things much easier than tinkering with the console...



Yeah, no slam on using console... I was just offering it because I have used it for a while and have found it handy to resolve these weight issues. (it's also nice for other reasons....changing clothing items into armor, bumping armor ratings on select pieces, etc)

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Thanks for your reply guys truly appreciate it. I've been checking multiple things, I still haven't found the root of the issue but im still testing.


- So far I know it's not the skeleton or race because I haven't made any changes there. Since u mentioned skeleton I decided to revert back to the original skeleton but the issue persist

- I know it's not an error from the autor cause the original works ok, i'm just not satisfied with the look so I decided to try some changes, the changes worked great on females but males are kicking my butt.

- I'm not sure about the weight, I do know that I haven't made any changes on the weight, I double checked on xEdit, I did though changes their height.

- I don't think it can be an issue with baked data, because i'm still in my testing period so i'm using alternative starts jumping from one place to another so to the game this is the 1st time im loading this npc.


Currently im checking the meshes, comparing with the original to see if there are any significant changes.


Again, thanks for your reply, I'll keep everyone posted.



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Thanks for your input guys, finally found the root of the issue, it was that I added Weight sliders to the male bodies; so your guess, Algabar was ultimately correct, your good.


I didnt think that was the issue because I did the same to the females and worked no problems; so I did the same with the males changing the resources and building everything in Bodyslide but that pesky neck seam wouldn't go away. I'm sure there is a way to do it, but I'll leave it as is looks good enough as it is, wont have diversity but I can live with that.


Now I can move to the next issue, CDT in Whiterun, I believe that it has to be an NPC cause give it long enough I crash outside the city, so it has to be an npc that moves outside. I know its not a vanilla or an Interesting NPC cause I already tested by moving to me all npc in whiterun 1 by 1 (it took some time). But thanks again guys.



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