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Missing?? 00000ea8modfemale body texture for caucasian


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Why is this file missing?


I'm trying to make a follower and the texture is missing, so I'm making the face a certain color but the body is like a blocky one tone pixled color completely diffrent from the face.


Also face texture looks like crap why i try to add the makeup.


Someone help please

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Okay, I went into the GECK and created a new NPC to see what you're talking about.


The error you're getting is because by default a new NPC will not have a special body texture, ignore it.

The low poly body is normal: this happens for ALL NPCs if a full preview is selected, because the body is identical anyway. If your NPC shows up in-game he or she will use the same high-res body as everyone else.


Tested and confirmed in-game.



Just focus on the face and then set clothes e.d. through inventory. You only need to bother with the texture it complains about if you want to give your specific NPC a completely unique body texture, in which case you must give it the name it demands (which is unique), and create it from scratch.

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Same problem here. I haven't really looked into it but i think we're just missing something concerning saving/exporting. There's options for exporting faces an generated textures in the menu, I just dont know for sure how to use them properly yet.


If anyone could point to a simple face making tutorial or explain the basic steps, that'd help ;). That's assuming you couldn't find the answer anywhere in the wiki.


Please post the answer when you find it, good luck.

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