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[LE] A few questions about NPC Packages


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Hi everyone :smile:


I have just a few, semi-basic questions regarding NPC Packages.


First, can anyone tell me how reliable the 'On Package End' script is, as I want to use it for triggering other things, but I am a bit concerned that in the event an NPC does not complete the package due to pathing issues, the script would not trigger - yet on the other hand, it may be really necessary for NPC's to reliably complete their packages anyhow? Right now, I am using a distance check for the NPC to be near the travel position in order for some dialog to trigger, I'd rather use the Package End script if it's reliable though.


Second, is there a way to put in 'waypoints' into Travel packages being used - meaning is there a way to put in a number of positions along the NPC's path instead of just one destination point? If not, maybe a different Package would work for this, like maybe a non-looping Patrol package?





Second question solved, a Patrol Package not set to repeat does the job quite well. It seems also that there can only be one position for the Travel Package, where it is not possible to link multiple XMarkerHeadings.


On the first question, as far as reliability in the usage of the 'On End' part of a Package - I found some odd things in testing - Debug.Notification being used upon the completion of a travel package, it would of course fire upon the actor reaching the position, yet.. it would continue to fire for other reasons beyond this - like after the actor reached destination, if I was near enough to activate a 'Hello', once the Hello was done, the Debug text would show, if conversing with the actor, upon completion of the conversation, the debug text would show - in both cases indicating that the travel package flagged completions outside of just reaching destination, which leads me to conclude that the 'On End' area can be quite unpredictable unless the package really is ended and replaced by a new package upon completion. For myself, I'm going to avoid the 'On End' in general, just too many potential issues.


* Topic Solved.

Edited by sornan
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