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Improving Reputation/faction recognition by NPCs


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We see this in pretty much EVERY game, but since the guards seem to know who I am, it was a big disappointment to discover thaqt the Jarl of Winterhold had NO idea who I was, nor even that there WAS a new Archmage at the college he loves to hate so much. (Lucky for me, really, but still.) I can understand a thief or an assasin not really WANTING to gain recognition on a country-wide basis, but how many times have you found yourself yelling at the screen things like, "I know that! I'm the M'F'ing Dragonborn! Don't MAKE me Fus Ro Dah your shiny Nordic arse..."


So far for me, the Archmage thing has been the worst and most notable. "You're that mage from the college..." "You mean Archmage, peasant." "So, you want to learn the arcane arts, then?" "No, I want to buy a soul crystal. I'm the friggin Archmage of Winterhold, and you really should know that by now, court wizard that you are and all...."


It's really hard on the immersion for me, and if feels like the ball was dropped here, (with character achievement recognition in general, but the mage thing in particular,) especially considering all the heavy country-wide politics that were going on at the college just days before the PC gets that job.


I'm a thane in 4 cities, the Archmage of Winterhold, a member of the Dawnguard, have saved the world like .. what- 3 times now? - and I'm the bloody Dragonborn. Peasants might not recognize me, but the Thalmor, the Jarls, Ulfric, the prominant court people- they really should all be entirely aware of who the PC is by the time they reach L50 or so.


Maybe this is just a rant. I don't know if there even is any way to address this, but if there is, I think someone really seriously should. Or at least script a mod to allow the PC to growl and tell people who he/she IS. :D


Oh yes- and a footnote to all this- If someone is wearing Stormcloak garb, they will get clobbered by Whiterun guards just for walking past. Why does this not span the whole game? I can walk into Windhelm and chat with Ulfric himself while in Imperial armor, and no one seems to think that there's any problem with that... This too, needs a fix.

Edited by FathomsDeep
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