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is i7 980x good for gaming?

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Depends purely on price.


2500k/3570k are better for gaming.

The multithreading boost that 980x gives is not useful in games as they barely can use the existing 4 threads that 2500k/3570k have.


In a nutshell: 3570k has (a little) better performance/thread than 980x. And games dont use many threads.

But it doesnt mean 980x is bad. It should perform pretty damn well, but the price might be a huge problem...

Edited by kalikka
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No, it's not.

It's an old architecture CPU with lower frequency ceiling and additional features that games are unable to use.

i5 2500K is better every time, i5 3570K a close second.


While, like for every other used item, it certainly depends on the price - in the unlikely case that you happen to get a 980X for less than what a new 3570K costs, you should buy it, but not try and use it, and rather sell it for $250+ (because I know it will sell easily for $250) and use the money to buy a new 3570K.

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The 980x is more if you planned on video recording and editing with your games. Most of today's games rely on the GPU over the CPU so it is and most games will not take advantage of the 980x's six cores. Also, the 980x has absolutely no upgrade path down the road when you look to improve the computer.

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If you already have a good mobo+cooler, and the cpu is very cheap, it might be a decent buy.
If you dont oc, forget it. Sell your old mobo/etc. And buy 3570k+oc mobo/cooler, or xeon 1230v2+H77 mobo.


EDIT: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=3&hl=en&prev=_dd&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://pclab.pl/art50000.html&usg=ALkJrhh0kiXDEkOdfRdg0cq61S5KBi1XBA

160 different CPU's tested, stock-clocks and OC'd. 980x is in the top6 when OC'd.

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All the i7 CPUs are over the basic needs of Gaming. in Fact, any CPU above 350$ USD is pointless to be used exclusively for gaming. go for an i5 if your Mobo Chipset is compatible with it. if not, just get the i7 980.

Edited by Ihoe
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i7's are good for gaming yes they are a bit of an overkill but it depends on how far you are wanting to push your games. I'm running Skyrim with oveer 100 mods with most settings on High and some on Ultra with 4 times AA but that's purely down to my graphics card which is the only weak thing in my system with very little slowdown. So if you can afford to get a i7 then go for one of the higher end ones rether than the older & cheaper models you wont regret it!

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