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Silent crash before the game opens


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Hi all, i'm having a weird problem since today.

Game was running fine with no problems until yesterday but today it seems i can't make it start no matter what. I have a few mods, skse and i used BOSS for sorting..i didn't do anything since lsat time i played, just quitted and that's it. Now the game launches for a few secs (my steam status goes into playing skyrim), then the process just ends without any kind of error message or warning. I tried launching without skse and rebooting, but neither helped. Any ideas?

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the same thing happened to me yesterday. have you tried deselectin all your mods in nexus apart from the main skyrim.esm? if it launches with that then it is a matter of just headin through the mods and workin out where the problem is. i did this by markin half at a time other than markin individually...only took ten minutes to see where the problem had occurred. maybe this can help?
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after a while i managed to nail down the problem..and it wasn't any kind of esp or esm. (the game crashed even with just skyrim.esm active). Turns out it was HiAlgoBoost, that for some reason went crazy. It worked properly for a week or so, and then it killed the game every time i launched it. After taking it out, everything went back to working properly. Thanks for the help guys!
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