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First, I don't care about the "canon". It's a game, by a different production group, different engine, different style, and different people. These people, as with most their games, have also given the end-users the ability to add/remove whatever they would like, let me repeat that again, whatever they would like. leave your "belief" about what can or should be added to the game in some other topic....are they gone?




Okay, brass tax, it's 2258, all "modern" firearms would be complete junk, stored or not. rubber wears out, metal wears out, springs break, without re-manufacturing parts they'd be useless. I don't care though, i like guns. All shapes and sizes. so, the list.







Beretta 93R - Selective semi/3 round burst - 9mm

Glock 18C - Selective semi/full-auto - 9mm

H&K MK23 Mod 0 - Suppressed + LAM - .45 ACP

Springfield XD - Semi - .40 S&W

Walther PPK - Semi - .25 ACP




Sadly there aren't too many i can think of, not a big fan of revolvers.


Colt Python - .357 Magnum

Colt Anaconda - .44 Magnum


- Sub-machine guns


H&K MP5 - Selective semi/3 round/full-auto // suppressed // LAM - 9mm / 10mm / .40 S&W

H&K MP7 - Selective semi/full-auto // suppressed // LAM - 4.6mm

M3 "Grease Gun" - Selective semi/full-auto - .45 ACP

MAC-10 - Selective Full-auto // suppressed - .45 ACP

MP 40 - Full-auto - 9mm

STEN - Full-auto // suppressed - 9mm

Thompson - Selective semi/full-auto - .45 ACP

Uzi - Full-auto // suppressed - 9mm / 10mm / .40 S&W / .45 ACP


- Assault Rifles


AK-74 - Selective semi/full-auto - 5.45

FAMAS - Selective semi/full-auto - 5.56

H&K G36 - Selective semi/full-auto // suppressed // LAM - 5.56

L85A1 - Selective semi/full-auto // rifle grenade // 40 mm // Optics - 5.56

M4A1 - Selective semi/full-auto // suppressed // M203 // LAM // Optics - 5.56

Steyr AUG - Selective semi/full-auto // M203 - 5.56

MP 44 - Full-auto - 7.92


- Sniper Rifles


Barrett M98B - Bolt - .338 Lapua

Dragunov SVD - Semi - 7.62

M21 - Semi - 7.62

M82A1 - Semi - 12.7

Remington 700 - Bolt - 7.62


- Shotguns


AA12 - Auto

Armsel Striker - Semi

M1014 - Semi // optics // LAM // flashlight

SPAS-12 - Semi

Pancor Jackhammer - Auto

Remington 870 - Semi




So my list, oddly it seems Bethesda does have a few of them at least in spirit in the game, although not named as such.

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First, I don't care about the "canon". It's a game, by a different production group, different engine, different style, and different people. These people, as with most their games, have also given the end-users the ability to add/remove whatever they would like, let me repeat that again, whatever they would like. leave your "belief" about what can or should be added to the game in some other topic....are they gone?




Okay, brass tax, it's 2258, all "modern" firearms would be complete junk, stored or not. rubber wears out, metal wears out, springs break, without re-manufacturing parts they'd be useless. I don't care though, i like guns. All shapes and sizes. so, the list.







Beretta 93R - Selective semi/3 round burst - 9mm

Glock 18C - Selective semi/full-auto - 9mm

H&K MK23 Mod 0 - Suppressed + LAM - .45 ACP

Springfield XD - Semi - .40 S&W

Walther PPK - Semi - .25 ACP




Sadly there aren't too many i can think of, not a big fan of revolvers.


Colt Python - .357 Magnum

Colt Anaconda - .44 Magnum


- Sub-machine guns


H&K MP5 - Selective semi/3 round/full-auto // suppressed // LAM - 9mm / 10mm / .40 S&W

H&K MP7 - Selective semi/full-auto // suppressed // LAM - 4.6mm

M3 "Grease Gun" - Selective semi/full-auto - .45 ACP

MAC-10 - Selective Full-auto // suppressed - .45 ACP

MP 40 - Full-auto - 9mm

STEN - Full-auto // suppressed - 9mm

Thompson - Selective semi/full-auto - .45 ACP

Uzi - Full-auto // suppressed - 9mm / 10mm / .40 S&W / .45 ACP


- Assault Rifles


AK-74 - Selective semi/full-auto - 5.45

FAMAS - Selective semi/full-auto - 5.56

H&K G36 - Selective semi/full-auto // suppressed // LAM - 5.56

L85A1 - Selective semi/full-auto // rifle grenade // 40 mm // Optics - 5.56

M4A1 - Selective semi/full-auto // suppressed // M203 // LAM // Optics - 5.56

Steyr AUG - Selective semi/full-auto // M203 - 5.56

MP 44 - Full-auto - 7.92


- Sniper Rifles


Barrett M98B - Bolt - .338 Lapua

Dragunov SVD - Semi - 7.62

M21 - Semi - 7.62

M82A1 - Semi - 12.7

Remington 700 - Bolt - 7.62


- Shotguns


AA12 - Auto

Armsel Striker - Semi

M1014 - Semi // optics // LAM // flashlight

SPAS-12 - Semi

Pancor Jackhammer - Auto

Remington 870 - Semi




So my list, oddly it seems Bethesda does have a few of them at least in spirit in the game, although not named as such.


Ok let me run through your list.

First off, strait up HALF of these were requested dozens of times already. You would know this if you ever searched other request threads. The more a weapon becomes over-requested the less some modders want to do it because they think that someone else will get to it. Also, a lot of these weapons are overly cliche guns that everyone on the internet loves but they absolutely suck in real life (like the SPAS, L85a1 and others). and the rest are impossible to do because of limitations, specifically we can NOT add any animations to the game bullpups and pump-actions shotguns for instance are impossible to do. There is also the issue of adding new ammos, can be done, but not worth the effort to have ONE gun that fires it's own bullet that's not interchangeable with anything else in the game.

With that let's get started.


Autoloaders (NOT USP's that's an overrated German handgun)

-doable but cliche (Beretta 94 Reskin for 10mm pistol exists. It's pretty good too)

-doable but cliche (Glock 17 a likely possibility)

-already exists along with .45 ACP ammo

-doable but you'll have to live with 10mm (which actually IS .40S&W)

-doable, but will probably be done in .32



-Already exists

-Already exists



-Over-requested, doable. I want to see someone make it too. Would probably be made as a reskin to the 10mm SMG.

-Over-requested, MIGHT be do-able. Has possible ammunition compatibility problem. Will most likely be made in .32 if it's ever made.

-Probably impossible due to animation problems.

-Might be possible for the same reason the MP7 can possibly be done (10mm pistol animations), but it would be a stretch.

-Probably impossible for the same reason as the Grease Gun.

-Might be done with use of Combat Shotgun animations, never requested before (GOOD REQUEST)

-Over-requested. Military ww2 Thompson might be made, Chicago Typewriter model is impossible.

-Might be made the same way the MP7 and MAC (using 10mm pistol animations). Would probably be a micro.


Assault Rifles

-In the works/already exists. There is a reskin for the Chinese AR that's an AK-47 and there's an AK-74 nearing completion with a bunch of tacticool garbage strapped to it which is right up your alley.

-Flat out impossible.

-Over-requested but do-able.

-Impossible (and it sucks too)

-In the works nearing completion as an assault rifle replacement.


-Possible but has an ammunition compatibility issue and is cliche (VERY few were made during WW2). Might be made as a unique weapon chambered in .308 or something.


Sniper Rifles.

-Do-able and there's already an ammo for it.

-Requested a few times, if made would probably be made in .308 caliber. Technically already exists in vanilla Fallout since the Sniper Rifle is based off of it.

-Requested a few times and is do-able.

-In the works though the project is in development hell (or so it seems)




-Might be possible if we can use the Assault Rifle animation, but it's a stretch.

-Impossible, over-requested and it sucks.

-Impossible.(no proper reload animation)

-Impossible.(no proper reload animation) and it sucks in real life.


-Impossible.(no proper reload or pump animation)


So there you have an honest run-down of the status of all these weapons.

(PS don't be a geardo, almost none of the crap you see people strapping to their M4 is useful in any way other than to make it way more than an M2)

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It is a game .. but by 2077 they had stasis fields to store things so maybe just maybe the weapons stored thus are still usable. I know in '77 we found some weapons stored from the 1700s that didn't have the problems you are alluding to ... but no rubber though.


Other then that the more bangs the better .. just wish folks would move 50 years into the future rather then doing what is available today ...

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Thanks for the info.




P.S. Talking down to people and stating your opinion as "fact" is awesome. Congrats Sir! you are an internet douche-bag.


Not my fault Bethesda didn't feel like adding the ability to add new animations. And don't act like my post didn't shed some light on the status of these requests . (The STEN was a great idea)

So you're welcome.

Also sorry if I pissed you off with the geardo comment. But we have received a torrent of requests recently about flashlight this, laser pointer that. They pretty much want all the weapons in the game covered with useless accessories. And we really can't script any of that kind of stuff to work right at this point. As for the "opinions" on the sucky weapons. Just ask any brit who had to carry an L85a1 into the Gulf War. It's a really good looking gun but that's pretty much the only good thing about it.

Also I was somewhat put off by the fact that you didn't search to see if any of the weapons were requested. You don't seem to have lurked much either. Which is why I took the tone I did.


So sorry again if you think I was trying to act like an ass. I'm just calling it how I see it.

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