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Skyrim ATI Graphics Issues


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Hello everyone, I'm having some annoying graphics issues with Skyrim and my ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro.


First off a little back story. When I first installed Skyrim I played it for several days without Catalyst Drivers, I had no graphics issues to speak of, it ran pretty awesome considering my low hardware specs. After I installed the Catalyst Drivers, it went all to hell. I have some crazy lighting issue when just walking around and I get weird shady patches and white lines shooting through the screen, my map is all pixelated and blurry, when creating a character the faces are all pixelated and blurry. I had none of these problems before Catalyst. I've looked up a few fixes but I can't seem to get any of them to work. I have Catalyst 10.4, I read somewhere that the newest drivers don't have any issues, but I can't seem to find one newer than 10.4. My card is Visiontek by the way.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Should I just go back to not using Catalyst even though it has sped up performance in other games such as Borderlands 2? Thanks!

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Your card is legacy (no longer supported), so the only option I can think of is to upgrade your card to a more recent one. even just a 5000HD or 6000HD series will do and they go fairly cheap now. I think that up to 4000HD are now legacy.
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