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How do you Make an Invisible NPC


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Let me preface this with: I don't really know anything about textures, I don't normally deal with textures or models at all. However a mod that I'm working on requires a invisible NPC, or at least the appearance of being invisible. Im making an NPC act like a armor stand basically so if they are wearing armor than I don't want to see there head. If that makes any sense.
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Haven't done this myself, but note that there is a miscellaneous "stat" called "Invisibility - If nonzero, the actor is completely invisible" (actor code 48). So try:

[Actor].SetAV Invisibility 1

where "[Actor]" is a reference to the Actor in question.


You can also use the NVSE function "ActorValueToStringC 48" to return the string name for 'actor code 48' if "Invisibility" doesn't work.



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Depends on what kind of armor said NPC would wear. But for some kind of universal armor stand it would be much easier IMO to just create "Mannequin Race". Basically custom race with white texture(or any other it's up to you).


If you don't want head to show up just erase all fields in face data tab in race editor. Works fine if you dont mind hole in the body model where head would be.

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So I tried the Invisibility and it didn't work for me at all. And no matter what I did with the textures they never worked as intended, When there where no textures listed they just turned into purple heads (I'm lame at textures :sad: ) What I did to Solve the issue is check what equipment slots the actor has equipped and equip "Dummy items" that have no model but take up 1 or more equipment slots, so the game engine removes those parts of the model for me. Thanks for the responses.

Edited by orkel1215
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