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Blockhead Unique Bodytypes


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Alright I did the pasting procedure on every file in Specialanims file. It didn't took so long doing manually.


Added ''_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007'' before .kf on every file in Specialanims.


I checked in-game but Im unsure if the mod is working fully. For example fist stand is definetly different, the bow animations as well. But I can't tell if jump or walk is different.


What is our next step? Also thanks for your help so far and your understanding

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Some of the animations are not a lot different than vanilla I think.


To see the difference is simple ... remove the file from the SpecialAnims folder and then the game will use the vanilla game animation for that action. Put the file back in SpecialAnims and you should see whatever the difference is.


The reason I say move the file out of SpecialAnims is because I have found that if you try my renaming trick with the xx in front of the file name while the file is in the SpecialAnims folder the game seems to get confused and will play some sort of combination of the vanilla animation and the replacement animation (along with deciding to sometimes to just play no animation).


Make yourself a temporary folder (or a permanent one named for example Animation_Testing) that you can swap the files to and from. When I'm trying to decide between two or three different replacement animations I will add some identifier before the file name in the temp or testing folder (e.g. CS_WalkForward_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivio.esm_00000007.kf for one from Combat Stance and PW_WalkForward_WalkForward_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivio.esm_00000007.kf for one from Pretty Woman). Then it's just a matter of copying the one I want to check in-game to the SpecialAnims and remove the CS_ or PW_ part of the file name.


Often times it takes me "some time" to be satisfied with a replacement for certain "favourite" NPCs.


I suppose the only thing we haven't covered is age texture overrides.


Now you would think that for your player character why not just use the age slider, and you'd be right ... that is a viable option. Problem is, depending on the race you choose there may be little incentive to be anything except be young when you are using OCO v2 (Wood Elves have a couple of different eye "makeup" options available at younger ages, but for the most part there isn't much option beyond just looking older).


Have a peek at Unique face features for OCO 2. Yes some of them are just the thoroughly overdone "scratch across the eye" stuff (how many times, in how many games do you see that??) but there are also some other "warpaint" type options.


Again, with Blockhead no need to have half the NPCs wearing "your" warpaint ... we can keep you comfortably and firmly ensconced in Snowflakedom being the only one in Tamriel with the truly cool stuff.

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